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Mark-Klimek-Yellow-B Mark Klimek- Yellow Book Return to deck 1. Rule of the B's: If the and the are in the same direction then it is meta pH, Bicarb, Both, Bolic 2. pH 7.30 HCO3 20 ↓= acidosis; ↓= metabolic 3. pH 7.58 HCO3 32 ↑= alkalosis; ↑= metabolic 4. pH 7.22 HCO3 30 ↓= acidosis; ↑= respiratory 5. You are providing care to a client with the following blood gas results: pH 7.32, CO2 49, HCO3 29, PO2 80, and SaO2 90%. Based on these results, the client is expe...

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  • Examen
  •  • 189 páginas • 
  • por mumbi • 
  • subido  07-12-2023
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