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2629 artículos

The Interior Inspection: AHIT Exam Questions With Complete Solutions Graded A+

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Which area in the home can the home inspector bypass during the interior inspection? A. small rooms B. foyers C. closets under stairways D. none of the answers shown - CORRECT ANSWER-D. none of the answers shown According to most standards of practice for the interior inspection, the home inspector is not required to ___________. A. observe a representative number of doors and windows B. observe draperies, blinds, and other window treatments C. report signs of water penetration int...

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  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por remojudytask • 
  • subido  19-08-2024
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AHIT, final exam questions 100% Accurate Solutions Latest Update 2024/2025

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a pressure tank is used in conjunction with a - CORRECT ANSWER-well the valve used to shut off the water to the property is known as the - CORRECT ANSWER-main shut-off valve which type of Supply pipe is especially subject to pinhole leaks? - CORRECT ANSWER-brass what is electrolytic corrosion? - CORRECT ANSWER-a process were two dissimilar Metals connected in water give up ions and make a current what finding is considered a safety hazard? - CORRECT ANSWER-holes in a plumbing vent pi...

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  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por remojudytask • 
  • subido  19-08-2024
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AHIT Module 1 Best Exam Questions With 100% Accurate Answers Rated A+

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Which of the following is not part of the structural inspection? - CORRECT ANSWER-fascia boards What part of a home's structure is least likely to be visible to the home inspector? - CORRECT ANSWER-footings What is the overall purpose of the structural inspection? - CORRECT ANSWER-to identify major structural deficiencies How does compression act on structural members? - CORRECT ANSWER-It pushes at the members and makes them shorter. Which action is a best practice to identify deter...

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  •  • 22 páginas • 
  • por remojudytask • 
  • subido  19-08-2024
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Interior Inspection Actual Exam Questions with Complete Solutions Graded A+

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Which area in the home can the home inspector bypass during the interior inspection? - CORRECT ANSWER-Neither the closets under stairways, foyers, or small rooms According to most standards of practice for the interior inspection, the home inspector is not required to? - CORRECT ANSWER-Observe draperies, blinds, and other window treatments What items are not included in the interior inspection? - CORRECT ANSWER-Recreational facilities Facing - CORRECT ANSWER-The material applied directl...

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  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por remojudytask • 
  • subido  19-08-2024
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Human Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 11 Best Exam Questions & Answers

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Sensory Input - CORRECT ANSWER-Monitoring stimuli. Integration - CORRECT ANSWER-Interpretation of sensory input. Motor Output - CORRECT ANSWER-Response to stimuli. Nervous System - CORRECT ANSWER-1. Sensory Output (Sense). 2. Integration (React/Think). 3. Motor Output (Move). CNS - CORRECT ANSWER-Central Nervous System; Brain and spinal cord. Integration and command center. PNS - CORRECT ANSWER-Peripheral Nervous System; paired spinal and cranial nerves. Carries messages to and ...

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  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por remojudytask • 
  • subido  17-08-2024
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Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 1-5 Best Exam Questions With Correct Answers 100% Scored A+

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Anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER-structure of body parts Physiology - CORRECT ANSWER-function of the body Gross, Macroscopic - CORRECT ANSWER-large body structures visible to the naked eye Regional Anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER-body regions Systemic Anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER-body systems Surface Anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER-study of internal structures as they relate to the overlaying skin Cytology - CORRECT ANSWER-Study of cells Histology - CORRECT ANSWER-Study of tissues Positive Feedbac...

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  •  • 13 páginas • 
  • por remojudytask • 
  • subido  17-08-2024
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Human Anatomy and Physiology Exam Questions With Complete Solutions Rated A+

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Anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER-Oldest medical science: 1600 BCE -study of body structures (what made of, where located, associated structures) Physiology - CORRECT ANSWER-Study of function (biochem, chemistry, biology, genetics) homeostasis - CORRECT ANSWER-body systems work together to maintain a stable environment negative feedback - CORRECT ANSWER-response of the effector negates the stimulus to bring back to homeostasis. Normal range is achieved. directional terms to locate things in ...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 35 páginas • 
  • por remojudytask • 
  • subido  17-08-2024
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