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642 artículos

Pathophysiology questions and answers

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An older adult patient comes to the clinic complaining of not being able to do what he used to be able to. You know that normal changes associated with aging include: (Select all that apply.) A. Improved blood flow B. Slowed metabolic rate C. Decreased brain weight D. Improved nerve fiber conduction E. Less respiratory capacity - B, C, E A 20-year-old college student has presented to her campus medical clinic for a scheduled Pap smear. The clinician who will interpret the smear will...

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  • Examen
  •  • 26 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  06-12-2023
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Pediatric Nursing questions and answers

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RATIONALE: The school-age child is becoming industrious and attempts to master school-related activities. Therefore, school absences are likely to cause extreme anxiety for a school-age child who's chronically ill. Mutilation anxiety is more common in adolescents. Anticipatory grief is rare in a school-age child. Fear of hospital procedures is most pronounced in preschool-age children. When developing a care plan for an adolescent, the nurse considers the child's psychosocial needs. During ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 19 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  06-12-2023
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A nurse manager is developing strategies to care for the increasing number of clients who have obesity. Which of the following actions should the nurse include as a primary health care strategy? Collaborating with providers to perform obesity screenings during routine office visits - collaborating with providers to perform obesity screenings during routine office visits A nurse manager is developing strategies to care for the increasing number of clients who have obesity. Which of the followi...

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  • Examen
  •  • 35 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  06-12-2023
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Portage BIOD 151 Final Exam questions and answers

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e. Endocytosis is a passive process. It does not require cellular energy expenditure. (T or F) - e. False- (Endocytosis is an active process and requires cellular energy) In your own words, discuss Tay Sachs disease. What organelle within the cell is impacted? What are the symptoms of the disease and why do they occur? - (1) Lysosomes (2) buildup of toxic lipids inside the cell (biomacromolecules) (3) disability and death, In the genetic disease known as Tay Sachs, one of the normally present...

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  • Examen
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  06-12-2023
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NIH Stroke Scale exams complete questions and answers

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You should only score loss of sensation if you can really demonstrate... - that they have loss of sensation if patient has sensory loss from neuropathy, do you count that? - no, but you do if there's loss on top of the neuropathy aphasia is difficult because it can take a while to go through the battery and it can be subjective as to whether it is one of which classification? - mild, mod, severe start to recognize aphasia when you meet them and start talking and you don't get a histor...

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  • Examen
  •  • 19 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  06-12-2023
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ATI Pharmacology exams complete solution 2023

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Which type of meds get quickly absorbed? - sublingual and inhaled which type of medication gets absorbed immediately? - IV meds what should you teach p/t taking a sublingual medication? - wait for the med to be completely dissolved before eating and drinking How does distribution occur? - through the use of binding proteins like albumin two common side effects of all medications: - GI upset, headache What is important to note about herbs starting with "G" - they increase the p/t...

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  • Examen
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  06-12-2023
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Success in Practical/Vocational Nursing exams

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Types of adult learners - Traditional and Non-Traditional (returning or recycled) Learner Rights - 1st Amendment; freedom of expression, 14th Amendment: due process, right to an organized curriculum and a responsible instructor. 4 Ps to Succeed - Power, perseverance, passion, personal attributes Left Brain Learning - Analytical, rational, objective (processes verbally) Right brain learning - Intu

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  • Examen
  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  15-11-2023
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Normal ranges for ABG - PH: 7.35-7.45 PaO2:80-100 mm Hg PaCO2: 35-45 mm Hg HCO3: 22-26 mEq/L SaO2: 95-100% Pneumothorax - abnormal presence of air in the pleural cavity resulting in the collapse

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  •  • 9 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  15-11-2023
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TEAS 7 Science Practice Test exams

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Which blood group is a universal donor? a. A b. B c. AB d. O - d. O Blood oxygen levels are most likely low when blood a. leaves the aorta b. fills the right atrium c. reaches body tissues d. flows through ateries - b. fills the right atrium with An intracellular chemical signal can be produced in the cell membrane. Once it is prod

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  •  • 13 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  15-11-2023
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Ambulatory Care Nurse questions and answers

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The Ambulatory care Nurse is triaging a client whose chief complaint is chest pain. What is a priority action for the nurse to take? A. Complete full head to toe B. Administer ASA C. Perform Electrocardiogram (ECG) D. Call 911 - C. Perform an Electrocardiogram Which of the following is essential for the ambulatory care nurse to remind the client of when performing an Electrocardiogram? A. Take a deep breath during the test B. Hold you breath during the test C. Try not to move during t...

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  • Examen
  •  • 45 páginas • 
  • por rightsteps70 • 
  • subido  15-11-2023
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