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ATI PN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2022-2023 REAL EXAM 180 Questions and Answers

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ATI PN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR REAL EXAM 180 Questions and Answers 1. A nurse is providing teaching about the gastrostomy tube feedings to the parents of a schoolage child. Which of the following instructions should the nurse take? A. Administer the feeding over 30 min. B. Place the child in as supine position after the feeding. C. Charge the feeding bag and tubing every 3 days. D. Warm the formula in the microwave prior to administration. 2. A nurse is administering digoxin 0.125 mg Po...

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  • Examen
  •  • 123 páginas • 
  • por winniewachira • 
  • subido  18-12-2023
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