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Amanda Wheaton, 23Y/O SORE THROAT

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Amanda Wheaton, 23Y/O SORE THROAT- I human Test 2023- 2024 Amanda Wheaton – 23y/o Reasonfor encounter:sorethroat :Questions 1. How can I help you today? 2. Doyouhaveanyother symptoms orconcerns? 3. Have you been having fevers? 4. When did your sore throat start? 5. Does anything make your sore throat better or worse? 6. Doyou have any allergies? 7. Are you taking any over thecounter or herbal medications? 8. Have you had a flu shot this year? 9. Are your immunizations up to date? ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por winniewachira • 
  • subido  05-11-2023
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