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HESI OB PEDS Exam Test BANK written by bettergrades19 www.stuvia.com Downloaded by: sierrabothwell | cecebothwell@gmail.com Distribution of this document is illegal PEDS/OB HESI

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HESI OB PEDS Exam Test BANK written by bettergrades19 Downloaded by: sierrabothwell | Distribution of this document is illegal PEDS/OB HESI 1. A mother brings her 8 mo. old baby boy to clinic bc he has been vomitting and had diarrhea for last 3 days. Which assessment is most important for nurse to make? a. Assess infant abdomen for tenderness b. Determine if the infant was exposed to a virus c. Measure the infant’s pulse d. Evaluate the infant’s cry 2. While obtaining the vita...

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  • Examen
  •  • 16 páginas • 
  • por winniewachira • 
  • subido  04-01-2024
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