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Derniers résumés de Financial Accounting: Global Edition
Summary Financial Accounting ALL CHAPTERS
- Resume • 124 pages • 2019
- €5,48
- 9x vendu
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This summary is of all chapters from the book of financial accounting. I spent a lot of hours on this so it is pretty good if I say so myself!
Financial accounting international financial reporting standards global edition summary first year
- Resume • 17 pages • 2017
- €3,49
- 4x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Summary financial accounting international financial reporting standards by Harrison. First year financial accounting UCM/SBE
FRRM summary course
- Resume • 11 pages • 2017
Disponible en pack
- €5,44
- 2x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This summary summarizes the whole course including the highlights of the papers. All important information for the examination is included, including exam questions.
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