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NR509 Final Exam Correct Questions & Answers 100% Accurate COMPLETE BUNDLE 2023

NR509 Final Exam Correct Questions & Answers 100% Accurate

9 éléments

NR 509 Final Exam Correct Questions & Answers


common in gastric ulcer); dyspepsia is more com-mon in the young (20-29 yrs), gastric ulcer in those over 50 yrs, and duodenal ulcer in those 30-60 yrs GERD Process - ANSWER Prolonged exposure of esophagus to gastric acid due to impaired esopha-geal motility or excess relaxations of the lower eso...

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NR509 Week 4 Exam Correct 100%


a. Right ventricular hypertrophy. b. Increased volume and size of the heart as a result of pregnancy. c. Displacement of the heart from elevation of the diaphragm. d. Increased blood flow through the internal mammary artery. - ANSWER c. Displacement of the heart from elevation of the diaphragm. ...

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NR 509 midterm Exam With Correct Questions & Answers


Cause of saddle numbness and urinary retention - ANSWER Cauda equina syndrome Presentation of retinal detachment - ANSWER If sudden visual loss is unilateral and painless, Obtunded - ANSWER patient opens the eyes and looks at you but responds slowly and is somewhat confused. Alertness and inte...

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NR 509 Final Exam Correct Questions & Answers


Suspicious breast mass - ANSWER -A mobile mass that becomes fixed when the arm relaxes is attached to the ribs and intercostal muscles; if fixed when the hand is pressed against the hip, it is attached to the pectoral fascia. -Hard irregular poorly circumscribed nodules, fixed to the skin or underl...

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NR509 Final Exam Correct Questions & Answers 100% Accurate


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A 35-year-old female with a history of migraines presents to the clinic with worsening symptoms for the past few weeks. She reports waking up at night with headaches and nausea. Her only medication history is oral contraceptive pills (OCPs). Otherwise, she states she is healthy. Which of the followi...

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NR 509 Final Exam Correct Questions & Answers


Appendicitis - ANSWERS 1. McBurney point tenderness 2. Rovsing sign 3. the psoas sign 4. the obturator sign --Appendicitis is twice as likely in the presence of RLQ tenderness, Rovsing sign, and the psoas sign --The pain of appendicitis classically begins near the umbilicus, then migrates to t...

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NR 509 Final Exam Latest Update 2023/2024 Accurate 100%


Know that in a 47-year-old man ED is usually ___________ rather than testosterone - ANSWER psychologic Erectile dysfunction may be from psychogenic causes, especially if - ANSWER early morning erection is preserved. it may also reflect decreased testosterone, decreased blood flow in the hypogast...

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NR 509 Final Exam Correctly Solved!!


Assessing from Head to Toe - ANSWER Think about which order you will be assessing your patient from head to toe Start by inspecting- you will inspect you patient head/face Then palpating lymph nodes Ascultating lung sounds and heart soun Percussing abdomen Assess patient's gait OLD CAR...

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NR 509 3P Exam Study Guide Correctly Solved!!


When performing a visual acuity test, the NP notes 20/30 in the left eye and 20/60 in the right eye. What is the next step? - ANSWER Refer the patient to Ophthalmologist The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorder 5th Edition (DMs-5) describes Munchausen Syn...

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