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National Occupational Therapy Certification Examination (NOTCE) Tests Bundle Set €35,10   Ajouter au panier


National Occupational Therapy Certification Examination (NOTCE) Tests Bundle Set

National Occupational Therapy Certification Examination (NOTCE) Tests Bundle Set

12 éléments

NOTCE practice exam rationales questions with correct answers


NOTCE practice exam rationales questions with correct answers

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NOTCE Exam – Assessment questions with correct answers


NOTCE Exam – Assessment questions with correct answers

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NOTCE Study Guide


Pronator Teres CORRECT ANSWER Innervated by median nerve pronator of the forearm Flexor Carpi Radialis CORRECT ANSWER Innervated by median nerve Flexion of wrist Radial deviation of the hand Flexor Carpi Ulnaris CORRECT ANSWER Innervated by Ulnar Nerve Flexion of wrist Ulnar deviation o...

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CAOT NOTCE Exam - Practice Standards questions with correct answers


Hierarchy of substitute decision-makers CORRECT ANSWER 1. Guardian of the person appointed by the courts, if the person has the authority to give or refuse consent to treatment 2) attorney for personal care conferred by a written form when the client was capable 3) representative appointed by the ...

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NOTCE questions with correct answers


Step 1 of the OT Practice Process in CPPF: CORRECT ANSWER Enter/initiate Step 2 of the OT Practice Process in CPPF: CORRECT ANSWER Set the stage Step 3 of the OT Practice Process in CPPF: CORRECT ANSWER Assess/evauluate Step 4 of the OT Practice Process in CPPF: CORRECT ANSWER Agree on obje...

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CAOT NOTCE Exam – Research questions with correct answers


What does P.I.C.O. stand for and what is it used for? CORRECT ANSWER Population - intervention - comparison - outcome used to guide the research process What makes up evidence based practice? CORRECT ANSWER - best available research evidence - client's characteristics, state, needs, values and...

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NOTCE CAOT Exam - Theories/Models questions with correct answers


NOTCE CAOT Exam - Theories/Models questions with correct answers

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Paediatric Conditions – NOTCE questions with correct answers


What are the three subsystems of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? CORRECT ANSWER 1) Attention deficit only 2) Hyperactive only 3) Combined How is ADHD diagnosed? CORRECT ANSWER Onset prior to 7 years, duration of at least 6 months, pattern of behaviour excessive for age and inte...

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NOTCE questions with correct answers


assertiveness training CORRECT ANSWER Techniques that train people how to be appropriately assertive in social situations; often included as part of health behavior modification programs, on the assumption that some poor health habits, such as excessive alcohol consumption or smoking, develop in par...

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NOTCE - Physical Assessments study guide


The Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire CORRECT ANSWER ask patient to rank list of descriptors in terms of their intensity and to give an overall intensity rating to their pain (e.g., throbbing, sharp, cramping, heavy, tender, etc) visual analog scale (pain) CORRECT ANSWER a pain rating scale u...

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NOTCE Exam questions with correct answers


Rheumatoid Arthritis characteristics CORRECT ANSWER Characterized by non-specific, symmetric, inflammation of peripheral joints usually resulting in progressive destruction of articular and periarticular structures What joints does Rheumatoid Arthritis most commonly effect? CORRECT ANSWER PIP and...

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CAOT NOTCE Exam questions with correct answers


What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? CORRECT ANSWER inflammation of the joint lining progressive + chronic results in deterioration, limited ROM and pain/stiffness synovitis + crepatitation Deformities associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis? CORRECT ANSWER Swan Neck Boutioneere Nale Bluff (Thumb) ...

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