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Class notes Integrated Principles of Zoology 18e, ISBN: 9781260565973 €11,83   Ajouter au panier

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Class notes Integrated Principles of Zoology 18e, ISBN: 9781260565973

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A 48-page study material containing bulleted form of my class notes in Zoology.

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  • 11 août 2021
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  • 2021/2022
  • Notes de cours
  • Larry padilla
  • Toutes les classes
 Suborder
 5-30M species, 2.5M have given names  Family
 animal diversity-several varying species of animals  Subfamily
in their natural envi, includes genetic and species  Genus
diversity, found in soil, air or aquatic habitation  Species
 based on anatomy, morphology, evolutionary  Subspecies
PHENETICS classification based on relative number of  Carolus Linnaeus binomial nomen, distinguished
shared characteristics (overall similarity) two kingdoms, animalia and plantae
PHYLOGENETIC/PHYLETIC-classfied accdng to natural  Ernst Haeckel 3 kingdom, proposed kingdom
evolutionary rship (common ancestry), make use of protista which are single celled and posses both
fossil records molecular genetics and other traits. study animal and plant characteristics, include protozoa,
on rships based on evolutionary similarities fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms
 Herbert Copeland 4 kingdom, proposed monera
PHYLOGENETIC SYSTEMATICS-possession of recent and include blue green algae to phyla in kingdom
common ancestors monera, classified microorgs into monerans
 monophyletic group-single ancestral species, all (prokaryotes) and protoctista (included fungi and
descendants of the ancestor eukaryotic microorganisms)
 polyphyletic group- grps that have members which  Robert Whittaker 5 kingdom, addition of fungi,
can be separated from two different ancestor, lack a monera, fungi, protista, plantae, and kingdom
most recent common ancestor (unrelated animalia
organisms from different recent common ancestor)  Carl Woese, higher level of than kingdom(domains)
 paraphyletic-indicating a common ancestor and domain eukarya and prokarya, 3 domains: bacteria
some but not all its descendants (kingdom eubacteria), archaea (all prokaryotes;
kingdom of archaebacteria or ancient bacteria), and
EVOLUTIONARY CLASSFICIATION- darwinian, classify eukarya (kingdom protista, plantae, animalia and
orgs using phylogenetics, progenitor-descendant rship, fungi)
evolutionary change of descendants. George Gaylord
Simpson formulated principles of taxonomy. BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION
Ex. changes in DNA shown between organisms  based on number of cells (unicellualr or
multi cellular)
Phylogenetic Systematics, founded in 1950 by Willi o unicellular include yeasts, bacteria,
Hennig, based on common descent and adaptive protozoa, some protists (like algae)
evolutions and clade of groups being classified o multicellular include animals, plants, fungi,
 evolutionary classification recognizing higher taxa algae, foraminifera
 based on prokaryotes or eukaryotes
THREE GOALS OF CLASSIFICATION o eukaryotes means true kernel or true
1. to identify all species of animals nucleus, has membrane bound organelles w
2. to evaluate evolutionary rships among animal specialied functions
species o prokaryotes include bacteria and archaea
3. to group animal species hierarchically in taxonomic  based on feeding type (autotrophs or heterotrops)
groups that convey evolutionary rships o auto can manifcature own food thru
 if we recognize characteristics, we can recognize photosynthesis (plants)
comtributions to environment and help not worsen, o hetero cannot manufacture own food and
communicate depend upon auto for consuming
(consumers; animals and fungia nd bacteria)
Levels of Organization
 Class levels in which cells are arranged
 Subclass

,1. protoplasmic grade of organization-characterizes parasitic animals and pathogenic organisms like
unicellular, all life functions are confined within flatworms, ribbonworms, jellyfishes
boundaries of single cell. Within a cell, protoplasm (platyhelminthes)
is differentiated into organelles  pseudocoelomate-body cavity not derived from
2. cellular grade- aggregation of cells that are mesoderm, blastocoel is partly filled by mesodermal
functionally differentiated. Theres division of labor cells, rotiferans and nematodes
3. cell-tissue grade-aggregation of similar cells into  eucoelomate-true coelem, has mesodermal origin,
definite patterns or layers and organized to perform mollusks, arthropods, echinoderm, annelids and
a common function, to form a tissue chordates
4. tissue-organ grade-aggregation of tissue into
organs, organs are composed of more than one CLASSIFICATION BY GUT DESIGN, by which opening
tissues and have a more than one kind of tissue, develops from difference between fate of the
more specialized function than tissue blastopore
5. organ-system grade- organs work together to  PROTOSTOMES-blastopore develops into mouth,
perform some functions, highest level of schizocoelous (solid masses of mesoderm split to
organization—organ systems, associated w basic form coelom) ex. Arthropods, annelids, molluscs
body functions  DEUTEROSTOME-blastopore develops into anus
first, enterocoelous (folds archenteron or primitive
CLASSIFY BY SYMMETRY gut to form coelom) ex. chordates and echinoderms
Symmetry- repetitions of parts in an orderly fashion.
corresopndence of body parts in size, shape, relative CLASSIFICATION BY SEGMENTATION
position. divided, worms insects and invertebrates (metamerism)
 spherical symmetry-any plane passing thru  HOMONOMOUS METAMERISM if all alike annelids,
center divides body into equivalent (protozoan primitive type, interior segments are aligned to
groups radiolaria and heliozoia) form head or cephalization (annelida)
 radial- more than two planes passing  HETERONOMOUS SEGMENTATIONS segments are
thru (porifera, coelenterates and echinoderms) not alike, clear cephalization
 biradial-comb jellies, two other axes at right o Arthropods segmentation is external.
angles Chordates segmentation is internal.
 bilateral-divided along sagittal plane into two
mirror portions or halves ICZN
 asymmetrical-dont have patterns or symmetry International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature-
judicial body elected by International Congress of
of the primary cell layers formed in the early stage of International Code of Zoological Nomenclature-system
embryonic devt. Blastocyst gives rise to the tissue and of rules and recommendation authorized by Intl
organs of the embryo Congress of Zoology.
 Gastrulation-cells migrate to the interior of embryo binomial nomenclature system of naming organism w
forming three germ layers two components, given by Carolus Linnaeus, generic
 radial symmetry develop two germ layer in the name and specific name, to give all species unique
embryonic disc: inner layer endoderm and outer scientific names
layer ectoderm (diploblasts cnidarians; jellyfish, o first part is genus, second is species epithet
corals, sea anemones and comb jellies) o given in latin so italizcide and underline when
 +mesoderm (triploblastic animals, platyhelminthes handwritten
are simplest triploblasts) o prior to adaptation of modern binomial system,
 Endoderm forms inner lining of organs, mesoderm scientific names formed 1-2 or more several
develops into organs, ectoderm forms exoskeleton words=polynomial nomenclature-more than
 coelom-surrounded by mesoderm layers, forms a two names, includes subspecies
hollow opening  essential features
o aims at stability of names
TYPES OF STRUCTURAL BODY FORMATIONS COELOM o avoid or reject use of names that may cause
 acoelomate-absent coelem, blastocoel is error or confusion
completely occupied by mesoderm, no space, o avoid useless creation of names

, code is retroactive or retrospective  Kingdom animalia is divided into two groups
(subkingdoms) according to cellularity
 iczn acts as adviser and reviser, one fundamental o protozoa unicellelar, no reproductive cell,
aim to provide maximum universality does not go embryogenesis
o metazoa are multicellular, more than one
PRINCIPLES of ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE reproductive cell and undergo
1. binomal nomenclature-scientific name is a embryogenesis
combination of two names, generic and specific  metazoas are further divide accng to their
name. genus and species name should be italics level of organization
2. coordination- within fam, genus, or species  mesozoa-minute,ciliated,wormlike
group, a name is simultaneously established parasites of marine invertebrates
with the same author and taxa based on same  parazoa-phylum placozoa w single
name-bearing type of other ranks in species (Trichoplax adhaerens) and
corresponding group. when a new zoological poriferans (sponges)
name is established, it automatically established  eumetazoa-all other phyla
all corresponding names in relevant ranks.  Eumetazoa are divided accdng to symmetry
3. first reviser-in case of conflicts between o radiata (forms cannot be divided into
published names, first subsequent author can halves, cnidaria)
decide precedence and supplements principle o bilateria can be divided into halves along
of priority, which states that first founded name the saggital plane (longitudinal plane)
takes precedence. Deals w situations that  Bilateria can be divided by body cavity
cannot be resolved by priority o Acoelomata (lacks body cavity, platy
4. homonymy-name of each taxon must be helminthes)
unique. A name that is a junior homonym of o pseudocoelomata (cavity but peritoneal
another must not be used as a valid name and lining, nematoda and rotifera)
must not replicate or duplicate any other o eucoelomata
family, group or species  Eucoelomates are divided accdng to gastrulation or
5. typification-each nominal taxon in the family, fate of blastopore (the first opening that develops
genus or species group, has actually or in embryonic development)
potentially a name-bearing type fixed that o protostamia (blastopore becomes mouth,
provides the objective study or reference that mollusca, annelida, arthropoda)
determines what the names applies to. must o deuterostamia (anus first, echinodermata
have a prefixed name-bearing type, helping to and chordata)
determine what name it applies to
6. structure-the code is divided by the names PHYLUM PROTOZOA
above the family group, the family group  derived from greek protos first and zoia animal
names, the genus amd species group names. To  unicellular eukaryotic orgs, all life activities occur
ensure that the descriptions of genus and within a single cell, sometimes called because
species. acellular protoplasmic is not divided into cells and
 GENUS contains animals w very similar features and
closely related size: mostly microscopic, some are large enough to be
 SPECIES basic unit of classification and taxonomic seen
rank of an organism, also unit of biodiversity, largest body cavity: no body cavity and no germ layer present
grp of organisms in which any two individuals can symmetry: asymmetrical (all symmetries represented
produce an offspring typically by sexual by the group; shape variable or constant
reproduction. locomotion: by pseudopodia, flagella, cilia and direct
o Same species can interbreed to produce cell movement; some sessile
fertile offspring habitat: aquatic or terrestrial, free living or symbiotic,
o Different species can produce infertile mutualism, commensalism or parasitism all represented
offspring in the groups
nutrition: all types of nutrition, can be autotrophic and
Classification according to: heterotrophic

, feeding type: holozoic or phagotropes, or could be  sponges, came from latin porus means pore and
saprozoic or osmotropes, fera means bearing, because this group bear
reproduction: asexually by fission, budding, and cysts, myriads of tiny pores called ostia and canals that
and sexually by conjugation or by syngamy (union of constitute a filter feeding system adequate for their
gametes) inactive life habit.
organ systems: no organs or tissues, but specialezed  capable of regeneration and somatic embryogenesis
organelles are found
economic imp: protozoans serve as indirect food source size: vary in size from a few mm to great loggerhead
for man fishes and other animals. perspectors in the sponges
industry use the skeletal deposits of marine protozoans body cavity: no true body cavity, no germ layer present,
to pinpoint the location of oil. body cavity is lined with choanocytes and cavity is
Body support: some provided w simple endo or called spongocoel. choanocytes pulls water thru pores
exoskeleton but most are naked and expel in oscula. also provided with mesohyl which
is a gelatinous matrix containing sponge cells and
 mutualism, commensalism or parasitism connective tissues of sponges.
 protozoans which have engulped aerobic bacteria symmetry: radial symmetry or none
and this aerobic bacteria later on evolved to habitat: mostly marine, all aquatic and centered on
become a mitochondria elaboration of water circulation and filter feeding
 holozoic feeders or phagotrophs ingest visible system
particles of food implying phagocytosis. this term is nutrition:
the invagination of cell membrane and this feeding type:
invagination surrounds a food particle and after reproduction: undergo both asexual reproduction by
digestion this will be released thru exocytosis regeneration and somatic embryogenesis and sexual
 saprozoic feeders or osmotrophs, the protozoan reproduction
ingests food in a soluble form (using nutrients organ systems: no organs or true tissues
dissolved in surrounding medium), implying nervous system: absent
pinocytosis which is by transport of solutes directly digestive system: type of digestion is intracellular
coming across the outer cell membrane excretion: by diffusion
 Amoeba proteus engulping paramecium by respiration: by diffsuion
surrounding it. amoeba can engulp bacteria and level of organization: cellular level of organization
other protists and even dead debris in the solution economic imp: sponges serve as protective shelter and
 some protozoans undego process of encystment, provides abundant food supply for marine organisms.
the formation of cyst in order to survive. and after also used for scrubbing, lotion or budding and absorbing
they can escape from becoming a cyst or going thru fluid. medicinal: sponges release cytosine arabinoside
a cyst called encystment. Entamoeba histolytica which is a chemical-producing, one of the first drugs to
example successfully treat cancer

GROUPS OF PROTOZOANS BASED ON LOCOMOTION  brightly colored bc of the pigment in their dermal
 Sarcodina- motility is due to the streaming of cells but fades quickly when theyre removed from
autoplasm or ectoplasm producing protoplasmic water
projections called pseudopodia. ex Amoeba proteus  all adults are sessile and they are attached to a
 Mastigophora- locomotion is affected by one or substratum
more whiplike structures called flagella,  to form and function theyre provided with tiny body
represented by Heteronima acus?? openings for incoming water called ostia or ostium.
 Ciliophora- locomotion is carried out by short also larger openings for outgoing water called
hairlike projections called cilia along side of the oscula.
body, ex Paramecium caudatum  body is made up of meshwork of organic fibers
 Sporozoa- no locomotory organelle in mature stage, called spicules, which can be siliceous or
ex Plasmodium vivax which is parasitizing the red calcareous, calcareous are ones made up of calcium
blood cells carbonate while siliceous made of silicon dioxide
 regeneration is the ability to repair injuries and
PHYLUM PORIFERA restore lost parts

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