Inkoop & supply chain management
H1: sourcing and supply chain management
Purchasing Classic definition: to buy materials of the right quality, in the right quantity from the
right source delivered to the right place at the right time at the right price.
Comments on the classical definition: 1) ‘right’ is a qualitative word that’s difficult to
define, 2) the ‘right’ price can be in conflict with ‘right’ quality: difficult to tackle trade-
offs, 3) emphasizes a reactive approach and 4) stresses the operational aspects
Modern definition: the process undertaken by the organizational unit that, either as a
function or as part of an integrated supply chain, is responsible for procuring or
assisting users to procure in the most efficient manner the required supplies at the
right time, quality, quantity and price and the management of suppliers, thereby
contributing to the competitive advantage of the enterprise and the achievement of its
corporate strategy. Additional elements in the current definition: sourcing
contributes to a competitive advantage and to the achievement of corporate strategy
Perspectives on As a function (to perform specialized tasks), as a process (to achieve an output), as a
purchasing link in the supply chain (with production and warehousing), as a relationship (internal
and external focus), as a discipline (knowledge based), as a profession (demonstrable
skills and knowledge)
Purchasing as a Tactical purchasing: specify what has to be purchased, specify who can supply it and
process negotiate a purchasing contract (if applicable)
Operational purchasing: place orders (within the contract), track orders up to receipt
and completion and clear invoice
The evolution of As an organization evolves, it can reach higher levels of purchasing ‘maturity’. Typically,
purchasing there is an evolution from operational purchasing with a focus on the transactional
execution of purchases towards strategic purchasing with a focus on the contribution
to corporate strategy. Elements that determine the purchasing ‘maturity’: short term
vs long term thinking, criteria and methodology for selecting suppliers, relationship
with suppliers, performance measurement, process stability, organizational design,
people skills and training, IT support
Purchasing Stage 1: passive
maturity model Inkoop voert de opdrachten van anderen uit + voornamelijk gericht op prijs en
Stage 2: independent
Aandacht voor kostenbesparingen + eenzijdige focus op prijs verdwijnt +
professioneler + onafhankelijk van de overkoepelende strategie
Stage 3: supportive
Inkoop ondersteunt de corporate strategie en wordt als waardevol gezien +
continue opvolging van leveranciers, producten,…
Stage 4: integrative
Inkoopstrategie is volledig geïntegreerd in de corporate strategie + inkoop
wordt betrokken bij het ontwikkelen van de strategie + bijdrage van inkoop
aan het realiseren van de doelstellingen wordt gemeten
Challenges for 1. Globalization impact: transgression of national boundaries, advantage or cost,
purchasing specialized labour skills, emerging economies
2. Information technology impact: slicker transactions, quality of management
data, strategic link with suppliers, paperless environment
3. Chasing production and management philosophies impact: competitive
advantage, outsourcing, supply chain management
,Current status of Status influenced by:
purchasing 1. Leverage: power of purchasing to enhance profitability
2. Focus: is it transactional, commercial or strategic?
3. Professionalism: perception of influencers, academic activity, depth of
knowledge and skill, future focus
Total cost of The total cost to become owner of a good is more than just the purchasing price.
ownership Totale kost om het eigenaarschap te verwerven over een aantal goederen, het is meer
dan de aankoopprijs.
Spent categories Groups of purchase articles that have common behavior for acquisition.
H2: strategy and strategic procurement
Strategy Mintzberg: strategy makes explicit where and how a company will compete. It provides a
plan and a ploy on how to realize these choices. It provides a perspective on the future
position and is the basis for a pattern of actions. For the binary brain: strategy = f(5xP) =
plan, ploy, pattern, position, perspective. Strategie is geen mechanistisch proces.
Intended strategies are the strategic directions deliberately formulated by managers.
Such strategies are sometimes referred to as deliberate strategies. Realized strategies
are those that are actually being followed, while unrealized strategies are those that,
due to such failures as interference by market, technological or political forces, are not
realized or not realized as intended. Strategy development routes: kan heel goed zijn dat
een bedrijf na 1 jaar een nieuwe strategie volgt.
Strategy schools 1. Prescriptive = normative: how should strategies be formulated?
Design (conception), planning (formal), positioning (analytical)
2. Descriptive = objective: how are strategies formulated?
Entrepreneur (visionary), cognitive (mental), learning (emergent), power
(overleg), cultureel (collective), environmental (reactive)
3. Contingent
Configuration and transformation
, Levels of 1. Corporate strategy
strategies Where to compete? What business should we be in? In welke sectoren gaan
we actief zijn? Deciding grand strategies. Determining values: eigenheid en
karakter bedrijf definiëren. Het coördineren en beheren van de groep resources.
Beslissen over de business units, locaties en structuren.
Master strategies (zie hieronder)
2. Business strategy
How to compete? Het coördineren en integreren van unit strategies.
Developing distinctive competencies. Nichemarkten/producten identificeren.
Monitoring products and markets
3 competitive strategies Porter: cost leadership (zo goedkoop mogelijk
proberen aan te bieden, interne kosten moeten laag liggen), product leadership
(meer aandacht voor kwaliteit, R&D, relaties met klanten), customer leadership
(wat wil de klant met het product doen? Oplossingen gaan bieden rond de
behoefte van de klant). Moet 1 keuze maken, niet combineren!
Miles and Snow’s adaptive strategy: een organisatie moet strategieën
formuleren die SBU’s toestaat om ze volgens hun eigen specifieke
environmental challenges aan te passen
3. Functional//operational strategy
Derive from and are consistent with corporate and business strategies.
Translate into actions: make the higher-level strategy happen! Differentiated for
each functional department. Ensuring skills and competencies are utilized
effectively. Integrating activities e.g., purchasing/marketing. Providing
information and expertise.
You have to differentiate between purchasing strategy (guiding principles
behind purchasing) and purchasing operations (transactional execution of
Differentiation corporate and functional:
Corporate Functional
Focus on effectiveness Focus on efficiency
Defined from scratch Includes context
Proactive Reactive
Deals with constraints Operates within constraints
Sets sourcing guidelines Operates within constraints
Master strategies 1. Growth by:
(corporate level) * integration
verticale integratie = het opnemen in het bedrijfsproces van een andere stap
uit de productieketen.
voorwaartse verticale integratie = overname van het bedrijfsproces dat na
het primaire bedrijfsproces komt in de productieketen (bv platenmaatschappij
die haar eigen winkel opent om zelf te kunnen verkopen aan consumenten):
PORTER macht van de leveranciers
achterwaartse verticale integratie = overname van het bedrijfsproces dat
voor het primaire bedrijfsproces in de productieketen komt (bv bakker die zelf
graan gaat verwerken): PORTER macht van de afnemer
horizontale integratie = bedrijf integreert meerdere activiteiten op hetzelfde
niveau in verschillende productieketens (bv tankstation verkoopt naast
brandstof ook supermarktartikelen)
* intensieve strategieën: sterke pogingen om de competitieve positie van een
organisatie te verbeteren tov de concurrenten
Productinnovatie en –ontwikkeling
Marktpenetratie = de mate waaraan een product of dienst door potentiële
klanten bekend is en/of gebruikt wordt. Dit proberen te verhogen.