➢ Class 4: “Unihilin Panels”
• Veronique, 39 years old, she studied business Business Engineering (KUL, Leuven)
• 2006 Master in Financial Management (Vlerick Management School, Ghent)
• 2009 MBA (INSEAD, France & Singapore)
• Work experience
• 2006 – 2011: Strategy Consulting
• 2006-2008 Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
• 2010-2011 Bain & Company
• 2011 – 2014: Balta Group (largest producer of textile floorcoverings in Europe)
• 2011-2012 Business Development Manager
• 2012-2014 Business Unit Manager Non Woven
• 2014 – 2021: Unilin Group
• 2014-2020 General Manager MDF/HDF, Unilin division Panels
• As of 2020 President / CEO, Unilin division Panels
Unilin Group: 6 divisions
The biggest one, is business flooring
And the second division, that is the one she is heading is Unilin Panels , where they made chipboards
(tableros de aglemorado), a base material used for kitchen etc. MDF boards is the base material for
laming flooring , for molding and all types of products. And then we have HDF boards we will make a
decorative product out of it.
Third division, insolation panels ..
4 th, they make final flooring , production of luxury..
5 th, a division in Australia and New Zealand , which is making carpets but also hard flooting.
And the last division, they have a separate division, they give license of their own patent , and they also
work with other companies who want to use their own hole for license.
,Stakeholder analysis
They don’t sell directly to customers; you will have to buy it on a store or distributor. They work a lot
with distribution, but also you can do it in yourself, you go to brico , you can do that.
Customers: But also they have a lot of costumers, who are industrial companies , furniture companies (
her division make the panel and the company will make ex- a cabin out of it)
Suppliers: they have a lot of products from paper and wood, so its important and the big chemical groups
are really important to them.
Importance stakeholders are their employees, because the difficult today is to find sufficient employees,
to keep the factors running.
And what is special about unilin are their values: Pasion, excellence, entrepreneurship ( take initiative,
and get things done / emprendimiento) and respect.
For the other panel division, they have got big manufactories factories, they are processing lot of wood,
so their neighbors, are important, the noise they made, they don’t to disturb the people that live around
their factories. And politics you need to keep closed contact to the local politics , and follow what the
government is doing. In Europe The Greendeal is very important for Unilin, and they are also part in
Federations ( group with their competitors, where they defend their sector toward the government)
,Labor shortage (escasez de mano de obra) in Flandes, a lot of factories are getting initiatives to get
enough people to keep the factories running, and that ´s why its important the employment branding ,
Unilin has already worked for a lot of years , but they get initiatives , they trained their employees, they
have done marketing campaigns to attract people , they are going also to other countries. They have also
a department for people that are coming from the university, so they can work in several departments
over the years.
Innovative and sustainable boards
, All this companies are customers of Unilin, and they have choose them for the cost and the innovated
products that they have.