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Consumers always act consciously and rational
• No, some people buy to lift up their emotions (kopen om blij te worden) => not rational
• Buy things that you don’t need
• Homo economicus/shopper economicus => someone who is very rational and wants to maximize their
o Emotions are more important than economic theories such as the homo economics
o We often make unrational decisions => with our heart instead of with our head
Nowadays consumers have more information available which helps them make better choices more easily
• Not all the information is really true (fake news) => makes it more difficult to make good decisions
based on the information u have
• Internet helps to make decisions easier? => overload of options/information!
o Internet has helped us and made our decisions easier BUT there is also FAKE information
o Satisfiers vs maximizers
§ Maximizer : u want to found out all the information => u want to do the maximum to
make the best choice + put a lot of time in finding best decision
ü Even after they made decision, they’re still not happy => twijfelen nog
steeds of ze goede keuze hebben gemaakt
§ Satisfier: quickly satisfied, doesn’t want to look at all the options
ü Quick decision makers and are happy with their choices
§ => hangt af van personality maar ook van soort product
Only stupid consumers are influences or fooled by marketing
• Even marketing professors are fooled by marketing, so it is not only stupid consumers
Consumers have more power now than ever before
• The more choice u have, the more power u have bcs u have other options
• If bad experience => bv Tom waes => slechte ervaring met Ryanair, hij postte dit op het internet =>
bad reputation
• Het feit dat je kan klagen/klacht indienen, geeft je power
• Voorbeeld: Telenet => wou klanten aantrekken door tablet te geven => bestaande klanten waren niet
blij, want zij kregen geen tablet, maar moesten wel meer betalen => klant startte een facebookpagina
met het logo van telenet met een droevige smiley => slechte reclame voor Telenet => if client join
forces, they become powerful and Telenet had to do something about it
• Clients have more Power: reasons:
o More Information
o More demand
o Network: bv telenetvoorbeeld waarbij klanten zich bundelen om te protesteren
o Crowd: bv crowdfunding, bv Wikipedia
§ Crowdsourcing: try to get knowledge from the crowd
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§ Crowdsupport: u can help each other, u can ask questions to other people
o => paper op ufora: enkel wat op ppt staat ervan kennen
Studying consumer behavior is now more important than ever before
• Why is it important? What do companies gain by it?
• The more competition there is, the more important it is to know your customer => + the more
powerful the customer become, the more important it is to know your customer
• Voorbeeld: Nivea => had ‘one cream fits al’ => they realized that a lot of competition was rising, the
competition made more personal cream nl gingen crème aanpassen aan person, terwijl Nivea 1 crème
had die werkte voor iedereeen dus nivea besefte dat ze moesten veranderen
What is buying/consumer behavior?
• Who benefits
• Possible aims
• Potential negative effects of consumer research
What are the benefits of studying consumer behavior?
How do companies and academics study consumer behavior?
Think about a recent purchase.
Purchase decisions
• What?
• Why?
• When?
• Where?
• With whom?
• What brand?
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• At what price?
• Decision making
How did you come to the purchase of:
• The clothing you are wearing
• A pair of Louboutin shoes
• Your lunch at noon
• The choice of this university
• A crate of beer for a party later on
• Gasoline on your way home
• Your last holiday trip
• A car
• A house/ your student home (also rental)
• Funeral insurance?
What differences do you see among these purchase decisions? What are the similarities?
• Similarities: structure of consumer behavior and purchase decision making
• Differences: characteristics affecting consumer behavior:
o Cultural factors (origin)
o Social factors (others around us)
o Personal factors (age, income…)
o Psychological factors (we do not always act rational)
o => these factors make your decisions different
Consumer buying behavior
• = “The activities involved in purchasing and using goods and services.”
o Smith, 2017, Consumer Psychology
• = “… reflects the totality of consumers’ decisions with respect to the acquisition, consumption and
disposition of goods, services, time and ideas by (human) decision-making units over time.”
o Hoyer & MacInnis, Consumer behavior
o You also consume time => you decide on what u spend your time
• = “The study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of
products, services, ideas, activities, people or experiences to satifsfy needs and desires.”
o Solomon et al., 2019, Consumer Behavior, A European Perspective
Think about a recent purchase. Which issues did you consider before, during and after buying?
The study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of
products, services, ideas, activities, people or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.
• More than just buying
Consumer buying behavior is a process, not an event.
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Deciding to buy a product How to use/store product How you get rid of unwanted
Talking about products Who uses the product How much you throw away after
Deciding between brands How much you consume Reselling products
Where to buy How product consumption How you recycle products
compares with expectation
How to pay Are u satisfied?
Other ways to acquire (e.g. second
The in between: u don’t use it, but also don’t throw it away
Acquiring Do I need a product? How can we induce needs?
What do I know about the Ho do we change knowledge or attitudes towards our
product? product?
How do I feel about a product? What cues do people use to infer quality, form an
image or decide?
Where do I get information?
Do consumers look at tangible or more subtle product
How do I decide? characteristics?
Is buying stressfull? Pleasant? How can we make the store experience pleasant?
Consuming What does the product say about What image do we want to have?
How can we increase volumes?
How much will I consume?
How can we facilitate positive WOM?
Am I satisfied with the product?
How can we help dissatisfied consumers?
Disposing How do I dispose of the product? How can we help people disposing of products in
environmentally friendly ways?
Company has to see how they can bring solutions to problems of consumers
• How can the company help the consumer to dispose a product bv cola zero bottles => dopje (cap) zit
vast aan fles bcs cap is not easy to recycle
• European union is forcing companies to think about repair options => bcs people buy a lot of cheap
platforms and these products don’t last long => they dispose it => it is cheaper to throw it away than to
repair => EU forces companies to think about a way that products will last longer
o Voorbeeld: Perrier bottle => heft chique imago, if u drink this water, u are considered rich
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