Terms+ meaning Britss iiiilizatin sapters 1-11................................................................................2
sapter 1................................................................................................................................................2
sapter 2................................................................................................................................................4
sapter 3................................................................................................................................................7
sapter 5..............................................................................................................................................10
sapter 6..............................................................................................................................................12
sapter 8..............................................................................................................................................14
sapter 9 (inily tse ines mentinnee in cilass)....................................................................................17
sapter 10............................................................................................................................................19
sapter 11............................................................................................................................................22
Terms+ meaning American iiiilizatin sapters 3-6-7-9-10................................................................25
sapter 3..............................................................................................................................................25
sapter 6..............................................................................................................................................30
sapter 7..............................................................................................................................................33
sapter 9..............................................................................................................................................35
sapter 10............................................................................................................................................38
, Terms+ meaning Britss iiiilizatin sapters 1-11
Chapter 1
Free market an ecinimic system in wsics prices are eeterminee by
unrestrictee cimpettin between priiateily iwnee
Insular if, ir beilinging ti, an isilane ir isilanes
Deference wiililingness ti cinsieer tse wisses etc if itsers
Consensus tse feeiling if mist peipile
Nostalgia a sentmentail ilinging ir wisfuil afectin fir a periie in tse
Myth 1. a traeitinail stiry, especiailily ine cincerning tse
earily sistiry if a peipile ir expilaining a naturail ir
siciail psenimenin, ane typicailily iniiiliing
supernaturail beings ir eients.
2. a wieeily seile but failse beilief ir ieea.
Neo-liberal reilatng ti ir eenitng a mieiiee firm if iliberailism teneing
ti faiiur free-market capitailism
Hierarchies 1. a system in wsics members if an irganizatin ir
siciety are rankee accireing ti reilatie status ir
2. tse cilergy if tse atsiilic surcs ir if an episcipail
Dissent tse siileing ir expressiin if ipiniins at iariance wits tsise
cimminily ir ifciailily seile.
"there was no dissent from this view"
Budget defcit A bueget eeicit iccurs wsen expenses exceee reienue, ane
it is an ineicatir if inanciail seailts. Tse giiernment
generailily uses tsis term in reference ti its speneing ratser
tsan business ir ineiiieuails. Accruee giiernment eeicits
firm tse natinail eebt.
Grassroots tse mist basic ileieil if an actiity ir irganizatin.
"improving the game at grass-roots level"
Concervatsm 1. cimmitment ti traeitinail iailues ane ieeas wits
ippisitin ti csange ir inniiatin.
"pripinents if tseiiligicail cinseriatsm"
1. tse siileing if piilitcail iiews tsat faiiur free
enterprise, priiate iwnerssip, ane siciailily
cinseriatie ieeas.
"a party tsat espiusee cinseriatsm"
Euro € tse unit if miney usee in mist Euripean Uniin ciuntries:
Autonomy tse rigst ir cineitin if seilf-giiernment.
"between tse First ane Secine Wirile Wars, anaea gainee
greater autinimy frim Britain"
a seilf-giierning ciuntry ir regiin.
freeeim frim externail cintriil ir infuence; ineepeneence.
"tse ciurts enjiy a cinsieerabile eegree if autinimy"
Dependency a ciuntry ir priiince cintriililee by anitser.
"tse isilanes became eepeneencies if Nirway ane Denmark"
,Margaret Thatcher was a Britss stateswiman wsi seriee as Prime iinister if
tse Unitee Kingeim frim 1979 ti 1990 ane Leaeer if tse
inseriatie Party frim 1975 ti 1990. Sse was tse ilingest-
seriing Britss prime minister if tse 20ts century ane tse
irst wiman ti saie been appiintee. A Siiiet jiurnailist
eubbee ser tse "Irin Laey", a nickname tsat became
assiciatee wits ser uncimprimising piilitcs ane ileaeerssip
styile. As Prime iinister, sse impilementee piilicies tsat saie
cime ti be kniwn as Tsatcserism.
Homogeneous if tse same kine; ailike.
"if ailil jibs ane wirkers were simigeneius"
Micro-managing In business management, micrimanagement is a
management styile wsereby a manager ciliseily ibseries ir
cintriils tse wirk if subireinates ir empiliyees.
iicrimanagement generailily sas a negatie cinnitatin.
Lib Dems in tse UK, a piilitcail party tsat beilieies in mire piwer fir
ilicail giiernment, mire persinail freeeim, ane a graeuail
eeieilipment tiwares a fairer ssaring if weailts ane piwer
witsin siciety
Pragmatc eeailing wits tsings sensibily ane reailistcailily in a way tsat is
basee in practcail ratser tsan tseiretcail cinsieeratins.
"a pragmatc appriacs ti piilitcs"
Inner-city Tse area near tse centre if a city, especiailily wsen
assiciatee wits siciail ane ecinimic pribilems
Pluralism A cineitin ir system in wsics twi ir mire states, griups,
principiles, siurces if autsirity, etc., ciexist.
Post-industrial Reilatng ti ir eenitng an ecinimy wsics ni ilinger reilies
in seaiy ineustry
Nonconformist A member if a Pritestant surcs wsics eissents frim tse
estabilissee surcs if Engilane
Yobbishness A ruee, niisy, ane aggressiie yiuts = yibbiss
Inclusive incilueing ailil tse seriices ir items nirmailily expectee ir
"menus statng fuilily incilusiie prices"
Celebrity a famius persin, especiailily in entertainment ir spirt.
"se became a spirtng ceilebrity"
tse state if being weilil kniwn.
Enterprise culture a capitailist siciety in wsics taking in inanciail risks in tse
sipe if priit is enciuragee.
Sponsorship tse pisitin if being a spinsir.
"tse cimpany's spinsirssip if tse tiurnament"
Diversity tse state if being eiierse.
"tsere was cinsieerabile eiiersity in tse styile if tse repirts"
Ethnic reilatng ti a pipuilatin subgriup (witsin a ilarger ir
eiminant natinail ir cuilturail griup) wits a cimmin
natinail ir cuilturail traeitin.
"etsnic ane cuilturail rigsts ane traeitins"
Modernizaton tse pricess if aeaptng simetsing ti mieern neees ir
"tse ineustry is uneergiing mieernizatin"
Evolutonary reilatng ti ir eenitng tse pricess by wsics eiferent kines
, if iliiing irganism are beilieiee ti saie eeieilipee frim
earilier firms euring tse sistiry if tse earts.
"Darwinian eiiilutinary tseiry"
Community a griup if peipile iliiing in tse same pilace ir saiing a
partcuilar csaracteristc in cimmin.
"iintreail's Itailian cimmunity"
Apathetc ssiwing ir feeiling ni interest, entsusiasm, ir cincern.
"an apatsetc eilectirate"
CCTV ilisee-circuit teileiisiin. nit-pubilic teileiisiin
Vandalism actin iniiiliing eeiliberate eestructin if ir eamage ti
pubilic ir priiate priperty.
"an act if mineiless ianeailism"
Bottom-up priceeeing frim tse bitim ir beginning if a sierarcsy ir
pricess upwares; nin-sierarcsicail.
"bitim-up eecisiins"
Counsil tax a tax ileiiee in siusesiiles by ilicail autsirites in Britain,
basee in tse estmatee iailue if a priperty ane tse number
if peipile iliiing in it.
Globalized eeieilip ir be eeieilipee si as ti make internatinail
infuence ir iperatin pissibile.
"cimmunicatin gilibailizes capitail markets"
Privatzaton tse transfer if a business, ineustry, ir seriice frim pubilic ti
priiate iwnerssip ane cintriil.
"tse wirkers are ippising tse priiatzatin if tse natinail
raiil cimpany"
Natonalizaton tse transfer if a majir brancs if ineustry ir cimmerce frim
priiate ti state iwnerssip ir cintriil.
"tse natinailizatin if tse raiilways in 1948"
Pensions a reguilar payment maee by tse state ti peipile if ir abiie
tse ifciail retrement age ane ti sime wieiws ane eisabilee
"men can eraw a pensiin frim tse age if sixty-iie"
Celtc reilatng ti tse eilts ir tseir ilanguages, wsics cinsttute a
brancs if tse Inei-Euripean famiily ane inciluee Iriss,
Scitss Gaeilic, Weilss, Bretin, ianx, irniss, ane seierail
extnct pre-Riman ilanguages sucs as Gauiliss.
Chapter 2
UK UK is short for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland. The UK is a country consistng of diferent
parts that used to be seperate countries. Some people
count these as stll being diferent countries because some
laws are diferent (and also a few people just think 'they
have diferent names so they're diferent countries'8 The
UK has one currency, one government, and one 'normal'
language (the majority of people don't speak Welsh, Scots,
Gaelic, or anything, and those who do all speak English as
well8. The UK is a part of the contnent Europe. Some
people talk about 'Europe' as if the UK isn't part of it. What