Chapter 01: History of Massage: Prehistoric Times to the Modern Era and
v v v v v v v v v v v
ProfessionalSocieties, Organizations, and Associations.
v v v v v
1. Which vmethod vis vdefined vas vmanipulation vof vsoft vtissue vusing vpressure vand vtraction
vforvclinical, vtherapeutic, vand vpalliative vpurposes?
a. Acupuncture
b. Ayurveda
c. Polarity vtherapy
d. Massage vtherapy
ANS: v D
Massage vtherapy vthe vmanipulation vof vsoft vtissue vusing vcompression vand
vdecompression/traction vfor vclinical, vtherapeutic, vand vpalliative vpurposes vor vfor vwellness
self-care vpurposes.
2. Which vorigin vfor vthe vword vmassage vis vGreek?
a. Mashesh
b. Masso
c. Masser
d. Makeh
ANS: v B
The vorigin vof vthe vword vmassage vis vunclear, vbut vcan vbe vtraced vto vnumerous vsources: vthe
vHebrewv mashesh, vthe vGreek vmasso vand vmassin, vthe vLatin vmassa, vthe vArabic vmass’h, vthe
vSanskrit vmakeh, vand vthe vFrench v masser.
3. When vwas vthe vearliest vthe vterm vmassage vwas vused vby vmost vEuropean-based vcultures?
a. 1600s
b. v v v 1700s
c. 1800s
d. v v v 1900s
ANS: v C
By vthe vearly v1800s, vthe vterm vmassage vwas vused vby vmost vEuropean-based
Historically, vmassage vwas vreferred vto vby vits vtechniques vsuch vas vfriction
vor vrubbing.
4. The vfirst vwritten vrecords vof vmassage vdate vback vto v3000 vBCE vin vwhich vcountry?
a. India
b. China
c. Egypt
d. Greece
ANS: v B
Written vrecords vregarding vthe vpractice vof vmassage vgo vback vto v3000 vBCE vin
Acupuncture vwas vnot vmentioned vin vChinese vwritings vuntil v90 vBCE.
5. Which vwork vis vcommonly vreferred vto vas vthe vclassic vscripture vof vtraditional vChinese vmedicine?
, a. Tao vTe vChing
b. Nei vChing
c. Ayur-Veda
d. Corpus vHippocraticum
ANS: v B
At vthe vtime vof vHwang vTi, vvarious videas vand vbeliefs vwere vcompiled vunder vthe vname vof vthe
vYellow vEmperor v(died vin v2599 vBCE) vwhich vbecame vthe vclassic vscripture vof vtraditional
vChinesev medicine vknown vas vthe vNei vChang. vThe vNei vChang vwas vwritten vabout v2760 vBCE,
vand vthis vwork vcontains vdetailed vdescriptions vof vmassage vprocedures vas vwell vas vherbal
6. What vis vthe voriginal vmassage vtechnique vin vChina vand vthe vprecursor vto vmanual vand
a. Polarity
b. Shiatsu
c. Acupuncture
d. Amma
ANS: v D
Amma vis vregarded vas vthe voriginal vmassage vtechnique vand vprecursor vto vall vother
therapies, vmanual vand venergetic.
7. Which vhealing vmethod vis vbased von vHindu vtradition?
a. Ayurveda
b. Shiatsu
c. Amma
d. Polarity
ANS: v A
Knowledge vof vamma vmassage vtraveled vto vthe vsubcontinent vof vIndia vfrom vChina, vand
vmassagev became vpart vof vHindu vtradition. vMassage vis vdescribed vin vIndia’s vfirst vgreat
vmedical vtexts, vthe vAyurveda vbooks vof vwisdom v(about v1800 vBCE) vand vrecommend
vmassage vas van vindispensablevhealing vprocedure.
8. Which vmethod vis vJapanese vbut vbased von vChinese vmedicine vconcepts, vand vuses vpressure
vappliedvfrom vthe vpractitioner’s vthumbs, velbows, vand vother vparts vof vthe vbody?
a. Ayurveda
b. Shiatsu
c. Massage
d. Amma
ANS: v B
Shiatsu vis va vJapanese vmethod vbased von vthe vsame vtraditional vChinese vmedicine vconcepts
acupuncture v—energy vflows vin vthe vbody vthrough vstreams vcalled vchannels vor
Acupuncturists vuse vneedles vat vspecific vpoints vto vbalance vthe vflow vof venergy; vshiatsu
vpractitioners vuse vtheir vfingers, vthumbs, vforearms, velbows, vand veven vtheir vknees vand
9. Who vis vgenerally vrecognized vas vthe vfather vof vmodern vWestern vmedicine?
a. Galen
b. Celsus
c. Rhazes
, d. Hippocrates
ANS: v D
Hippocrates vwas vknown vto vbe va vfine vphysician, vfounder vof va vmedical vschool, vauthor vof
vnumerous vbooks, vand vadvocated vthe vuse vof vmassage vor v“rubbing.” vThese vworks vare
vcollectively vknown vas vthe vCorpus vHippocraticum, vand vsummarized vmuch vof vwhat vwas
vknownv about vdisease vand vmedicine vin vthe vancient vworld. vHippocrates vis vgenerally
vrecognized vas vthe vfather vof vmodern vWestern vmedicine, vand vhe vbelieved vthat vphysicians
vshould vavoid vcausing vharm vto vpatients.
10. Who vwrote vthe vCanon vof vMedicine, vthe vmost vfamous vbook vin vthe vhistory vof vmedicine vin
bothvthe vEast vand vthe vWest?
a. Rhazes
b. Celsus
c. Avicenna
d. Hippocrates
ANS: v C
A vtext ventitled v v v or vCanon vof vMedicine vwas vwritten vby vone vof vthe
vgreatest v
Persian vphysicians vof vhis vera, vAvicenna v(980-1037). vHe vwas valso vknown vas vIbn
vSina. vThe vCanon vof vMedicine vis vthe vmost vfamous vbook vin vthe vhistory vof vmedicine vin vboth
vthe vEast vand vthe vWest.
11. Which vindividual vdiscussed vthe veffects vof vmassage vand vused vfriction von vjoints vin vthe v1500s?
a. Paré
b. Harvey
c. Galen
d. Mezger
ANS: v A
Ambroise vParé v(1515-1590) vwas va vfamous vFrench vsurgeon vwho vwas vamong vthe vearliest
vindividuals vin vthis vera vto vdiscuss vthe veffects vof vmassage. vHe vused vfriction vto vtreat
joints vand vother vorthopedic vconditions.
12. Who vwas vthe vfirst vknown vscientist vto vdemonstrate vthat vblood vcirculation vdue vto
muscularvcontraction vof vthe vheart?
ANS: v C
English vscientist vWilliam vHarvey v(1578–1657) vdiscovered vthe vcirculation vof vblood vin
v1628,v and vhis vwritings vdid vmuch vto vpromote vthe vacceptance vof vmassage vas va vtreatment
Harvey vobserved vthe vhearts vof vliving vanimals vand vdetermined vthat vactive vphase vof vthe
muscular vcontraction v(systole) vpumped vblood vthrough varteries vand vveins.
13. Who vdeveloped vthe vSwedish vMovement vCure, vwhich vincluded vthe vuse vof vmassage?
a. Johann vMezger
b. Pehr vH. vLing
c. George vHenry vTaylor
, d. John vHarvey vKellogg
ANS: v B
Pehr vHenrik vLing v(1776 vto v1839) vdeveloped vhis vown vsystem vof vmassage vand vexercises vor
vgymnastics, vthe vlatter vof vwhich vconsisted vof vfour vtypes—educational, vmilitary, vmedical,
esthetic. vThis vsystem vwas vcalled vthe vSwedish vRemedial vMassage vand vExercise, vthe
vSwedishvMovement vCure, vor vsimply vthe vLing vsystem.
14. Which vterm vdescribes va vcomponent vof vthe vLing vSystem?
a. Shiatsu
b. Ayurveda
c. Thai vmassage
d. Swedish vmassage
ANS: v D
The vterm vSwedish vmassage vwas vused vto vdescribe vthe vmassage vcomponent vof vLing’s
For vthis vreason, vLing vis vregarded vas vthe vfather vof vSwedish vmassage.
15. Which vindividual vis vcredited vwith vhaving vintroduced vFrench vterms vstill vin vuse vto
describevmassage vtechniques?
a. Johann vMezger
b. William vHarvey
c. Pehr vH. vLing
d. Charles vTaylor
ANS: v A
French vwas vthe vinternational vlanguage vin vthe vnineteenth vcentury. vThe vDutch vphysician
vJohannv Mezger v(1838 vto v909) vis vcredited vwith vhaving vintroduced vthe vFrench vterminology
vstill vused vtov
describe vmassage vtechniques v(e.g., veffleurage, vpétrissage, vtapotement) vwhich vis
vstill vused vin vmassage vlegislation, vmedical vinsurance vbilling vcodes, vand vmassage vcurricula.
16. Who vis vthe vfounder vof vmodern vnursing, vwhich vincluded vmassage vas vpart vof vcare?
a. Tiffany vField
b. Florence vNightingale
c. Charles vFayette vTaylor
d. John vHarvey vKellogg
ANS: v B
Florence vNightingale v(1829 vto v1910) vof vEngland, vfounder vof vmodern vnursing, vtook vcare vof
vwounded vsoldiers vduring vthe vCrimean vWar v(1853 vto v1856). vShe vdeveloped va vstandard vof
vcare vfor vpatients, vand vmassage vwas van vintegral vpart vof vcare. vWhen vnurse vtraining vwas
vdeveloped, vmassage vwas vincluded vin vthe vcurriculum vand vmassage vwas vprovided vto vpatients
vas vpart vof vtheirv
comfort vmeasures.
17. French vphysician vLucas-Championniere vused vmassage vand vexercise vto vtreat vsoldiers
vinjuredvduring vwhich vevent?
a. World vWar vI
b. World vWar vII
c. Civil vWar
d. Viet vNam vWar
ANS: v A