Nremt Practice Test Bank Questions Updated With
Verified Solutions 2024
Hypoglycemia vand vacute vischemic vstroke vcan vpresent vsimilarly vbecause:
• vA:both voxygen vand vglucose vare vneeded vfor vbrain vfunction.
• vB:the vmajority vof vstroke vpatients vhave va vhistory vof vdiabetes.
• vC:the vmost vcommon vcause vof va vstroke vis vhypoglycemia.
• vD:they vare vboth vcaused vby vlow vlevels vof vglucose vin vthe vblood. v- vcorrect vanswer v: v• vA:both voxygen
vand vglucose vare vneeded vfor vbrain vfunction.
Reason: vAlthough vstroke vand vhypoglycemia vare vtwo vdistinctly vdifferent vconditions, vtheir vsigns vand
vsymptoms vare voften vsimilar. vThis vis vbecause vthe vbrain vrequires vboth voxygen vand vglucose vto vfunction
vnormally. vAn vacute vischemic vstroke vis vcaused vby va vlack vof voxygen vto va vpart vof vthe vbrain vdue vto va
vblocked vcerebral vartery, vwhereas vhypoglycemia v(low vblood vglucose vlevel) vdeprives vthe ventire vbrain vof
vglucose. vIn veither vcase, vthe vpatient vpresents vwith vsigns vof vimpaired vbrain vfunction v(ie, vslurred vspeech,
vweakness, valtered vmental vstatus). vBoth vconditions vmay vlead vto vpermanent vbrain vdamage vor vdeath vif
vnot vtreated vpromptly.
When vdealing vwith van vemotionally vdisturbed vpatient, vyou vshould vbe vMOST vconcerned vwith:
• vA:gathering vall vof vthe vpatient's vmedications.
• vB:safely vtransporting vto vthe vhospital.
• vC:whether vthe vpatient vcould vharm vyou.
• vD:obtaining va vcomplete vmedical vhistory. v- vcorrect vanswer v: vYou vselected vC; vThis vis vcorrect!
Reason: vWhen vmanaging vany vpatient vwith van vemotional vor vpsychiatric vcrisis, vyour vprimary vconcern vis
vyour vown vsafety. vSafely vtransporting vthe vpatient vto vthe vhospital vis vyour vultimate vgoal. vIf vpossible, vyou
vshould vattempt vto vobtain va vmedical vhistory vand vshould vtake vany vof vthe vpatient's vprescribed
vmedications vto vthe vhospital. vHowever, vthis vshould vnot vsupercede vyour vown vsafety vor vinterfere vwith
vsafely vtransporting vthe vpatient.
,You vare vat vthe vscene vwhere va vman vpanicked vwhile vswimming vin va vsmall vlake. vYour vinitial vattempt vto
vrescue vhim vshould vinclude:
• vA:rowing va vsmall vraft vto vthe vvictim.
• vB:reaching vfor vthe vvictim vwith va vlong vstick.
• vC:throwing va vrope vto vthe vvictim.
• vD:swimming vto vthe vvictim vto vrescue vhim. v- vcorrect vanswer v: vYou vselected vB; vThis vis vcorrect!
Reason: vGeneral vrules vto vfollow vwhen vattempting vto vrescue va vpatient vfrom vthe vwater vinclude v"reach,
vthrow, vrow, vand vthen vgo." vIn vthis vcase, vyou vshould vattempt vto vreach vthe vvictim vby vhaving vhim vgrab
vhold vof va vlarge vstick vor vsimilar vobject. vIf vthis vis vunsuccessful, vthrow vthe vvictim va vrope vor vflotation
vdevice v(if vavailable). vIf vthese vare vnot vavailable, vrow vto vthe vpatient vin va vsmall vraft v(if vavailable). vGoing
vinto vthe vwater vto vretrieve vthe vvictim vis va vlast vresort. vThe vrescuer vmust vbe va vstrong vswimmer vbecause
vpatients vwho vare vin vdanger vof vdrowning vare vin va vstate vof vblind vpanic vand vwill vmake vevery vattempt vto
vkeep vthemselves vafloat, veven vif vit vmeans vforcing vthe vrescuer vunderwater.
How vshould vyou vclassify va vpatient's vnature vof villness vif vhe vor vshe vhas va vlow vblood vglucose vlevel, vbizarre
vbehavior, vand vshallow vbreathing?
• vA:Behavioral vemergency
• vB:Altered vmental vstatus
• vC:Respiratory vemergency
• vD:Cardiac vcompromise v- vcorrect vanswer v: vThe vcorrect vanswer vis vB;
Reason: vThe vnature vof villness v(NOI) vis vthe vmedical vequivalent vto vmechanism vof vinjury v(MOI). vAltered
vmental vstatus vshould vbe vthe vsuspected vNOI vin vany vpatient vwith vany vfluctuation vin vlevel vof
vconsciousness, vwhich vcan vrange vfrom vbizarre vbehavior vto vcomplete vunresponsiveness. vCauses vof van
valtered vmental vstatus vinclude vhypo- vor vhyperglycemia, vhead vtrauma, vstroke, vbehavioral vcrises, vdrug
voverdose, vand vshock, vamong vothers.
A vyoung vfemale vis vunresponsive vafter voverdosing von van vunknown vtype vof vdrug. vHer vrespirations vare
vslow vand vshallow vand vher vpulse vis vslow vand vweak. vWhich vof vthe vfollowing vdrugs vis vthe vLEAST vlikely
vcause vof vher vcondition?
• vA:Seconal
• vB:Heroin
• vC:Cocaine
,• vD:Valium v- vcorrect vanswer v: vThe vcorrect vanswer vis vC;
Reason: vOf vthe vdrugs vlisted, vcocaine vwould vbe vthe vleast vlikely vcause vof vthe vpatient's vcondition. vCocaine
vis va vcentral vnervous vsystem v(CNS) vstimulant; vyou vwould vexpect vher vto vbe vhypertensive, vtachycardic,
vtachypneic, vand vperhaps veven vviolent. vHeroin, vValium, vand vSeconal vare vall vCNS vdepressants vand vcould
vexplain vher vcondition. vHeroin vis van villegal vnarcotic v(opiate), vValium vis va vbenzodiazepine vsedative-
hypnotic vdrug, vand vSeconal vis va vbarbiturate. vNarcotics, vbenzodiazepines, vand vbarbiturates vare vall vCNS
vdepressants. vWhen vtaken vin vexcess, vthey vcause va vdecreased vlevel vof vconsciousness, vrespiratory
vdepression, vbradycardia, vand vhypotension.
Activated vcharcoal vis vcontraindicated vfor va vpatient vwho vis:
• vA:conscious vand valert vand vhas vingested va vlarge vamount vof vMotrin.
• vB:emotionally vupset vand vhas vingested vtwo vbottles vof vaspirin.
• vC:agitated vand vclaims vto vhave vingested va vbottle vof vTylenol.
• vD:awake vand valert vand vhas vswallowed va vcommercial vdrain vcleaner. v- vcorrect vanswer v: vYou vselected vD;
vThis vis vcorrect!
Reason:Activated vcharcoal vadsorbs v(sticks vto) vmany vingested vsubstances, vpreventing vthem vfrom vbeing
vabsorbed vinto vthe vbody vby vthe vstomach vor vintestines. vIn vsome vcases, vyou vmay vgive vactivated vcharcoal
vto vpatients vwho vhave vingested vcertain vsubstances, vif vapproved vby vmedical vcontrol vor vlocal vprotocol.
vActivated vcharcoal vis vcontraindicated vfor vpatients vwho vhave vingested van vacid vor valkali v(ie, vdrain
vcleaner) vor va vpetroleum vproduct v(ie, vgasoline), vwho vhave va vdecreased vlevel vof vconsciousness vand
vcannot vprotect vtheir vown vairway, vor vwho vare vunable vto vswallow.
The vMOST vobvious vway vto vreduce vheat vloss vfrom vradiation vand vconvection vis vto:
• vA:move vaway vfrom va vcold vobject.
• vB:increase vmetabolism vby vshivering.
• vC:wear va vthick vwind-proof vjacket.
• vD:move vto va vwarmer venvironment. v- vcorrect vanswer v: vyou vselected vD; vThis vis vcorrect!
Reason:In va vcold venvironment, vthe vbody vhas vtwo vways vof vstaying vwarm: vgenerating vheat
v(thermogenesis) vand vreducing vheat vloss. vRadiation vis vthe vtransfer vof vheat vby vradiant venergy. vThe vbody
vcan vlose vheat vby vradiation, vsuch vas vwhen va vperson vstands vin va vcold vroom. vConvection voccurs vwhen
vheat vis vtransferred vto vcirculating vair, vas vwhen vcool vair vmoves vacross vthe vbody's vsurface. vA vperson
, vstanding vin vwindy vcold vweather, vwearing vlightweight vclothing, vis vlosing vheat vto vthe venvironment
vmostly vby vconvection. vThe vquickest vand vmost vobvious vway vto vdecrease vheat vloss vfrom vradiation vand
vconvection vis vto vmove vout vof vthe vcold venvironment vand vseek vshelter vfrom vwind. vShivering vincreases
vthe vbody's vmetabolism vand vis va vmechanism vfor vgenerating vheat, vnot vreducing vheat vloss. vLayers vof
vclothing vtrap vair vand vprovide vexcellent vinsulation; vthus, vlayered vclothing vdecreases vheat vloss vbetter
vthan va vsingle, vthick vjacket. vConduction vis vthe vdirect vtransfer vof vheat vfrom va vpart vof vthe vbody vto va
vcolder vobject vby vdirect vcontact, vas vwhen va vwarm vhand vtouches vcold vmetal vor vice. vThe vmost vobvious
vway vto vdecrease vheat vloss vby vconduction vis vto vremove vyour vhand vfrom vthe vcold vobject.
A vnear-drowning vis vMOST vaccurately vdefined vas:
• vA:complications vwithin v24 vhours vfollowing vsubmersion vin vwater.
• vB:immediate vdeath vdue vto vprolonged vsubmersion vin vwater.
• vC:survival vfor vat vleast v24 vhours vfollowing vsubmersion vin vwater.
• vD:death vgreater vthan v24 vhours vfollowing vsubmersion vin vwater. v- vcorrect vanswer v: vYou vselected vC; vThis
vis vcorrect!
Reason:Collectively, vdrowning vand vnear-drowning vare vreferred vto vas vsubmersion vinjuries. vDrowning vis
vdefined vas vdeath vafter vsubmersion vin va vliquid vmedium, vusually vwater. vIn va vdrowning, vdeath vis veither
vimmediate vor voccurs vwithin v24 vhours vfollowing vsubmersion. vNear-drowning vis vdefined vas vsurvival, vat
vleast vtemporarily v(24 vhours), vafter vsubmersion. vIt vshould vbe vnoted, vhowever, vthat vcomplications vsuch
vas vpneumonia vand vpulmonary vedema vcan vcause vdeath vgreater vthan v24 vhours vfollowing vsubmersion.
vFor vthis vreason, vall vpatients vwith va vsubmersion vinjury vshould vbe vtransported vto vthe vhospital, veven vif
vthey vappear vfine vat vthe vscene.
A vyoung vwoman vreports vsignificant vweight vloss vover vthe vlast vmonth, vpersistent vfever, vand vnight vsweats.
vWhen vyou vassess vher, vyou vnote vthe vpresence vof vdark vpurple vlesions vcovering vher vtrunk vand vupper
vextremities. vYou vshould vsuspect:
• vA:end-stage vcancer.
• vC:tuberculosis.
• vD:rheumatic vfever. v- vcorrect vanswer v: vYou vselected vB; vThis vis vcorrect!
Reason:Weight vloss, vfever, vand vnight vsweats vcould vindicate vtuberculosis vor vHIV/AIDS; vhowever, vthe
vdark vpurple vlesions von vthe vskin, vwhich vare vcalled vKaposi's vsarcoma, vare vmalignant vskin vtumors vand vare
va vclassic vfinding vin vpatients vin vthe vlater vstages vof vAIDS.