Extra wetgeving
Common sources ................................................................................................... 3
Treaty on the functioning of the European Union .......................................................... 3
European convention on human rights ....................................................................... 4
Dir.(EP&Council) 2010/64, 20 October 2010 on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal
proceedings, pB.l. 26 October 2010, afl. 280. .............................................................. 4
Dir.(EP&Council) 2013/48/, 22 October 2013 on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal
proceedings and in European arrest warrant proceedings, and on the right to have a third party
informed upon deprivation of liberty and to communicate with third persons and with consular
authorities while deprived of liberty, Pb.l. 6 November 2013, afl. 294. ................................ 8
Directive EP&Council nr. 2012/29, 25 October 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights,
support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing Council Framework Decision
2001/220/JHA, Pb.L. 14 November 2012, afl. 315. .......................................................15
England .............................................................................................................19
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 ......................................................................19
Bail Act 1976 ....................................................................................................19
Code for Crow prosecutors ....................................................................................20
Victims code ....................................................................................................24
France ..............................................................................................................26
Code pénale .....................................................................................................26
Code de procédure pénale ....................................................................................27
Titre préliminaire : Dispositions générales ...............................................................27
Livre Ier : De la conduite de la politique pénale, de l'exercice de l'action publique et de
l'instruction ...................................................................................................27
Titre Ier : Des autorités chargées de la conduite de la politique pénale, de l'action publique et
de l'instruction ............................................................................................27
Titre II : Des enquêtes et des contrôles d'identité ...................................................30
Chapitre Ier : Des crimes et des délits flagrants ...................................................30
Chapitre II : De l'enquête préliminaire ..............................................................36
Chapitre III : Des contrôles, des vérifications et des relevés d'identité ........................38
Titre III : Des juridictions d'instruction ................................................................39
Chapitre Ier : Du juge d'instruction : juridiction d'instruction du premier degré .............39
Section 1 : Dispositions générales .................................................................39
Section 2 : De la constitution de la partie civile et de ses effets ............................39
Section 4 : Des auditions de témoins .............................................................40
Sous-section 1 : Dispositions générales ........................................................40
Sous-section 2 : Du témoin assisté .............................................................40
Section 5 : Des interrogatoires et confrontations ...............................................41
, 2
Section 7 : Du contrôle judiciaire, de l'assignation à résidence et de la détention provisoire
Section 11 : Des ordonnances de règlement (Articles 175 à 184) .............................45
Section 13 : De la reprise de l'information sur charges nouvelles ............................47
Chapitre II : De la chambre de l'instruction : juridiction d'instruction du second degré .....47
Livre II : Des juridictions de jugement ...................................................................48
Titre II : Du jugement des délits ........................................................................48
Chapitre Ier : Du tribunal correctionnel ............................................................48
Section 1 : De la compétence et de la saisine du tribunal correctionnel ....................48
Paragraphe 1er : Dispositions générales .......................................................48
Paragraphe 3 : De la convocation par procès-verbal, de la comparution immédiate et de
la comparution différée ..........................................................................49
Section 2 : De la composition du tribunal et de la tenue des audiences ....................50
Section 4 : Des débats ..............................................................................52
Titre III : Du jugement des contraventions ............................................................52
Livre IV : De quelques procédures particulières .........................................................52
Nederland: Wetboek van Strafvordering .......................................................................53
Deutschland: Strafprozessordnung..............................................................................58
Belgium .............................................................................................................61
Wetboek van strafvordering ..................................................................................61
Wet voorlopige hechtenis .....................................................................................64
, 3
Article 82
1. […]
2. To the extent necessary to facilitate mutual recognition of judgments and judicial decisions and
police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters having a cross-border dimension, the European
Parliament and the Council may, by means of directives adopted in accordance with the ordinary
legislative procedure, establish minimum rules. Such rules shall take into account the differences
between the legal traditions and systems of the Member States.
They shall concern:
(a) mutual admissibility of evidence between Member States;
(b) the rights of individuals in criminal procedure;
(c) the rights of victims of crime;
(d) any other specific aspects of criminal procedure which the Council has identified in advance by a
decision; for the adoption of such a decision, the Council shall act unanimously after obtaining the
consent of the European Parliament.
3. […]
Article 83
1. The European Parliament and the Council may, by means of directives adopted in accordance
with the ordinary legislative procedure, establish minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal
offences and sanctions in the areas of particularly serious crime with a cross-border dimension
resulting from the nature or impact of such offences or from a special need to combat them on a
common basis.
These areas of crime are the following: terrorism, trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation
of women and children, illicit drug trafficking, illicit arms trafficking, money laundering, corruption,
counterfeiting of means of payment, computer crime and organised crime.
On the basis of developments in crime, the Council may adopt a decision identifying other areas of
crime that meet the criteria specified in this paragraph. It shall act unanimously after obtaining the
consent of the European Parliament.
2. If the approximation of criminal laws and regulations of the Member States proves essential to
ensure the effective implementation of a Union policy in an area which has been subject to
harmonisation measures, directives may establish minimum rules with regard to the definition of
criminal offences and sanctions in the area concerned. Such directives shall be adopted by the same
ordinary or special legislative procedure as was followed for the adoption of the harmonisation
measures in question, without prejudice to Article 76.
3. […]
, 4
Article 86
1. In order to combat crimes affecting the financial interests of the Union, the Council, by means of
regulations adopted in accordance with a special legislative procedure, may establish a European
Public Prosecutor's Office from Eurojust. The Council shall act unanimously after obtaining the
consent of the European Parliament.
2. – 3. […]
4. The European Council may, at the same time or subsequently, adopt a decision amending
paragraph 1 in order to extend the powers of the European Public Prosecutor's Office to include serious
crime having a cross-border dimension and amending accordingly paragraph 2 as regards the
perpetrators of, and accomplices in, serious crimes affecting more than one Member State. The
European Council shall act unanimously after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament and
after consulting the Commission.
Article 280
The judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union shall be enforceable under the conditions
laid down in Article 299.
Article 5 Right to liberty and security
1. […]
2. Everyone who is arrested shall be informed promptly, in a language which he understands, of the
reasons for his arrest and of any charge against him.
3. – 5. […]
(3) The implementation of the principle of mutual recognition of decisions in criminal matters
presupposes that Member States have trust in each other’s criminal justice systems. The extent of
mutual recognition is very much dependent on a number of parameters, which include mechanisms
for safeguarding the rights of suspected or accused persons and common minimum standards
necessary to facilitate the application of the principle of mutual recognition.
(4) Mutual recognition of decisions in criminal matters can operate effectively only in a spirit of trust
in which not only judicial authorities but all actors in the criminal process consider decisions of the
judicial authorities of other Member States as equivalent to their own, implying not only trust in the
adequacy of other Member States’ rules, but also trust that those rules are correctly applied.
(6) Although all the Member States are party to the ECHR, experience has shown that that alone does
not always provide a sufficient degree of trust in the criminal justice systems of other Member States.
(9) Common minimum rules should lead to increased confidence in the criminal justice systems of all
Member States, which, in turn, should lead to more efficient judicial cooperation in a climate of