Focus on Adult Health Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd Edition Honan Test Bank
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Focus on Adult Health Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd Edition Honan Test Bank
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Publié le
20 octobre 2024
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Titre de l’ouvrage: Clinical Nursing Judgment Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book
Auteur(s): Donna D. Ignatavicius, M. Linda Workman, Linda A. LaCharity, Candice K. Kumagai
Édition: 2015
ISBN: 9780323393270
Édition: Inconnu
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Medical-Surgical Nursing
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, Focus Jon JAdult JHealth JMedical JSurgical JNursing J2nd JEdition JHonan JTest JBank
Well JElaborated JAnswers J& JQuestions
Chapter J1 JThe Jnurse’s JRole Jin JAdult JHealth
1. The Jnurse Jensures Jthat Ja Jclient’s Jbeds Jpace Jis Jneat Jand Jclean Jwith Jthe Jcall Jlight
Jwithin JeasyJreach. JThe Jnurse Jis Jfocusing Jon Jwhich Jnursing Jtheorist Jwho Jrealized Jthe
Jimportance Jof Jthe Jenvironment Jfor Jcare?
1. Florence JNightingale
2. Sister JCallista JRoy
3. Dorothea JOrem
4. Martha JRogers
Florence JNightingales Jtheory Jfocused Jon Jthe Jenvironment Jfor Jcare. JSister JCallista JRoys
Jmodel Jis Jbased Jin Jsystems Jtheory Jand Jan Jindividual’s Jability Jto Jadapt. JDorothea JOrems
Jmodel Jis Jthe Jself- Jcare Jdeficit Jtheory. JMartha JRogers Jmodel Jis Jthe Jscience Jof Junitary
Jhuman Jbeings.
PTS:1DIF: JApply
REF: JEmergence Jof JContemporary JNursing Jin Jthe JUnited JStates
2. The Jnurse Jis Jinstructing Ja Jclient Jon Jself-administration Jof Jinsulin Jso Jthat Jthe Jclient
Jwill JnotJneed Ja Jhealth Jcare Jprovider Jto Jdo Jthis Jactivity. JThe Jnurse Jis Jimplementing
Jwhich Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jaspects Jof JVirginia JHendersons Jtheory Jof Jnursing?
1. A Jcaring Jrelationship
2. Helping Jthe Jclient Jachieve Jindependence Jfrom Jthe Jnurses’ Jassistance Jas Jquickly Jas Jpossible
3. Integration Jof Jobjective Jand Jsubjective Jdata
4. Application Jof
JcriticalJthinkingANS: J2
Med JC
,3. Virginia JHendersons Jtheory Jof Jnursing Jis Jto Jhelp Jpeople Jachieve Jhealth Jor Ja Jpeaceful Jdeath Jso Jthat Jthey
Jcan JbeJindependent Jfrom Jthe Jnurses’ Jassistance Jas Jquickly Jas Jpossible. JA Jcaring Jrelationship,
Jintegration Jof JobjectiveJand Jsubjective Jdata, Jand Japplication Jof Jcritical Jthinking Jareincluded Jin Jthe
JAmerican JNurses JAssociations Jessential Jfeatures Jof Jprofessional Jnursing.
PTS:1DIF: JAnalyze
REF: JEmergence Jof JContemporary JNursing Jin Jthe JUnited JStates
A. client Jtells Jthe Jnurse Jthat Jhe Jhas Jan JHMO Jfor Jhis Jhealth Jinsurance. JThe Jnurse
JunderstandsJthat Jthe Jpurpose Jof Jthis Jtype Jof Jhealth Jplan Jis Jto:
1. ensure Jpayment Jis Jmade Jto JMedicare Jfor Jservices Jrendered.
2. maximize Jthe Jutilization Jof Jhealth Jcare Jresources.
3. efficiently Jmanage Jcosts Jwhile Jproviding Jquality Jcare.
4. focus Jon Jthe Jillness Jwhen Jproviding Jcare.
Health Jmaintenance Jorganizations J(HMOs) Jwere Jcreated Jto Jefficiently Jmanage Jhealth Jcare
Jcosts Jwhile Jproviding Jquality Jcare. JAn JHMO Jis Ja Jtype Jof Jmanaged Jcare Jplan Jwith Jthe Jgoal
Jof JprovidingJwellness Jcare Jand Jnot Jfocusing Jon Jthe Jillness Jduring Jthe Jprovision Jof Jcare.
JHMOs Jdo Jnot Jensure Jpayment Jis Jmade Jto JMedicare Jfor Jservices Jrendered. JHMOs Jalso Jdo
Jnot Jmaximize Jthe Jutilization Jof Jhealth Jcare Jresources Jbut Jrather Juses Jfinancial Jincentives Jto
Jdecrease Jcare Jcosts.
PTS: J1 JDIF: JUnderstand JREF: JCost Jof JCare
4.A client Jtells Jthe Jnurse Jthat Jhe Jdoes Jnot Jhave Ja Jprimary Jcare Jphysician Jbut Jrather
JmakesanJappointment Jwith Ja Jdoctor Jwho Jspecializes Jin Jthe Jarea Jin Jwhich Jhe Jis
Jexperiencing Ja Jproblem. JThe Jnurse Jrealizes Jthis Jclient Jis Jat Jrisk Jfor Jwhich Jof Jthe
1. Fragmented Jcare
2. Overpayment Jof Jservices
3. Inability Jto Jsustain Jhealth
4. Finding Jan Jappropriate Jgeneral Jpractitioner
Med C
, ANS: J1
In Jthe J1980s, Jthe Jclose Jand Jtrusting Jrelationship Jbetween Jan Jindividual Jand Jthe Jindividual’s
Jphysician Jwaned Jand Jwas Jreplaced Jby Jacquaintances Jwith Jspecialists Jbased Jupon Jparticular
Jhealthcare Jproblems. JThese Jepisodes Jof Jcare Jcause Jfragmentation Jof Jcare. JThe Jclient Jwho
JutilizesJspecialists Jis Jnot Jat Jrisk Jfor Joverpayment Jof Jservices, Jthe Jinability Jto Jsustain Jhealth,
Jorfinding Jan Jappropriate Jgeneral Jpractitioner.
PTS:1DIF: JAnalyze JREF JProviders Jof JCare
5.The Jnurse Jis Jattending Ja Jmaster’s Jdegree Jprogram Jin Jefforts Jto Jbe Jeducationally
JpreparedJtoserve Jas Ja Jhospital Jleader. JThe Jnurse Jrealizes Jthat Jthis Jeducational
1. hinder Jthe Jnurses’ Jability Jto Jwork Jwith Jphysicians.
2. be Jviewed Jas Jnot Jsupporting Jthe Jprofession Jof Jnursing Jby Jother Jnurses.
3. ensure Jthe Jnurse Jis Jbiased Jtowards Jclinician’s Jinterests.
prepare Jthe Jnurse Jto Jserve Jas Jstrong Jclinical Jsupport Jwith Jthe Jability Jto Jintegrate Jbusiness Jand
4. caring.
The Jnurse Jis Jattending Jan Jeducational Jprogram Jto Jserve Jas Ja Jhospital Jleader. JThis
Jeducation Jwill Jprepare Jthe Jnurse Jto Jserve Jas Jstrong Jclinical Jsupport Jwith Jthe Jability Jto
Jintegrate Jbusiness Jand Jcaring. JThis Jeducation Jwill Jnot Jhinder Jthe Jnurse’s Jability Jto Jwork
Jwith Jphysicians. JThis JeducationJwill Jnot Jbe Jviewed Jas Junsupportive Jto Jthe Jprofession Jof
Jnursing. JThe Jeducation Jwill Jensure Jthat Jthe Jnurse Jis Jnot Jbiased Jtowards Jclinician’s
PTS: J1 JDIF: JAnalyze JREF: JClinical JSystems JLeadership
6. A Jclient Jtells Jthe Jnurse Jthat Jall Jhospitals Jcare Jabout Jis Jdoing Jthe Jminimum Jfor Ja
Jclient Jregardless Jof Jthe Joutcome. JWhich Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jshould Jthe Jnurse Jrespond
Jto Jthis Jclient?
1. It Jdoes Jfeel Jlike Jthat Jsometimes.
2. Health Jinsurance Jcompanies Jhave Jcaused Jthis Jproblem.
3. The Jdoctors Jwill Jget Jpaid Jregardless Jof Jthe Jclients’ Joutcomes.
Med C