Gastspreker Sebastiaan Reeskamp: semetis
Talk about data, how agencies use data, cookies and AI and how to use AI in digital
Only hire people that just left school
Digital marketing: 300 billion dollar, revenue of google Alfabet last year, most of the money
comes from advertising
Digital advertising: using algorithms to match ads with the right user (dia 11)
In Belgium, is digital marketing big? Offline stays biggest part of marketing in Belgium, in
2024 60% of total marketing in Belgium, is decreasing,
Biggest part of the budget is still in tv, YouTube, video, Netflix, amazon,
Digital advertising not the biggest in Belgium but growing a lot
Digital ad started in 1994
Slot available on HLn website, which company will be advertised on the placement
Programmatic advertising: believe that offline will switch to online, television campaigns is
still don through human interaction, not efficient
Agency asks what they want to achieve with the campaign: reach awareness, people to the
Who do we want to reach? And where can we touch them, also type of targeting available
on the platform
Data (dia 22)
What google collects about you. How the user interacts, video’s you watch on Youtube,
Clichés about their audience when clients come to the agency. For example: sports is for
men or gaming for youngsters, but 60% of sportgoods are sold to female and a lot of older
When does Google know about you? (dia 29)
If data is the new oil, AI is the refinery (dia 34)
What is the most common way to share data? Cookies (dia 38)
Cookie is always complicated to explain, more revenue from my metacampaign, cookies
used to build audiences, use cookies in order to know what type of user you are, talk a lot
about remarketing later,
, The drama of remarketing (dia 43)
= retargeting
Based on what you visited, so what you saw on one website, being retargeted to another
We can tell platform only be exposed 10 times a week by one add
Users started to take action with ad blockers: they want more privacy
66% of web traffic is on google chrome, use cookies,
Google will also remove third party cookies, not target in the same way as we did, lot of
How will google adapt its business and remove all third partie cookies, completely change
their strategy,
How do we use data at Semetis
Dynamic advertising: use data and technology to deliver add as most relevant to the user at
the time
Dynamic creative optimization, adapting to the location, interest of the user all to realtime
Location of the users, connect all the data sources and allows to the different scenarios of
their ads.
Quickstep has 3 types of floors: for every floor 30 different types, 7 different ad formats so in
total more than 600 variation of this ad
Show someone real time ad with the floor she visited and the store the closest to her, way
mor people clicked on the add, way better results,
Based on the weather, automated, show different messages, more visualized cases and a
few videos,
Applying DCO to digital formats of traditional marketing
Speak your audience language
Surfing on the trend of digital radio instead of classic radio
Other uses of data
Airbnb and booking are super intensive in communication, big added value is the local
context, really now better their houses
If you don’t take data into account, someone book a house at the pool, couldn’t back it up
with the data predict with most likely, book a house with a pool or a sauna, not tracking
what has happening with the filters until 2 years ago, try to create patterns,