4. Marketing strategy and the marketing plan
Marketing strategy How position itself and products (sells) and services (provides) in the
competitive marketplace
Competitive Concurrerende markt
Marketing plan Written document which details the marketing methods and actions
or activities. Also the resources needed for the marketing objectives
AOST Analysis, objectives, strategies, tactics and control
Current market situation Info competitors and the marketplace
Competitor analysis The competition in the market place, how is their positioning
positioning how to distinguish yourself from the competition
Product/service analysis What you sell/provide, unique selling point,
Unique selling point What distinguishes your product/service from the others
Target market Customer groups/segments
Marketing goals What you want to achieve (images, sales)
Smart Specific (be precise), measurable (quantify), achievable(attempting
too much?), realistic (it can happen), timed (when will you
achieved) ?
The approach of Which market segment
meeting the objectives How will we target?
How should we position?
Marketing mix Product, place, price, promotion
Tracking How the success will be measured
brainstorming Is a technique during product naming and product development to
find a name, new products or generate ideas
participants Leader, scribe (who writes everything), team member
1. Problem statement Define the problem
= no judgements, criticism, evaluate
No ownership -> hitchhike on, build on creative ideas
Note down Write down
Get the creative juices Get people thinking more creatively
Think out of the box Look from a new or different angle
Random word As a starting point/ random word generator
Combinatory play Play/combine with words until you find a combination
Ask novel questions New/different questions to stimulate creative answers
13. Product and service type
Raw materials Are used to make, or manufacture other products
Product line A group of related products made and marketed by a manufacturer,
there is a logical grouping.
, Product type Group of products offered by different companies, which are similar
Product class Group of products may be considered as substitutes (H&M, Zara)
Convenience goods Products with a high turnover and relatively low price (stable salt)
Fast moving consumer
White goods Major household electrical goods (freezer, washing machine, ..)
usually white
Brown goods Major household electrical goods not usually white (television)
Perishable goods Limited shelf life, must be consumed quickly (fresh fruit, meat)
= perishables
Durable/ hard goods Last a long time, not be easily worn out, used up (cars, furniture)
= durables
Nondurable/ soft goods Goods that are used up or last for less than 3 years. Perishable goods
(bederfelijke goederen), consumable supplies (verbruiksartikelen) (cd
roms, ink for printers)
Green products Products that are not harmful (schadelijk) for the environment
Generic products Products sold without a brand name in supermarket/drugstore
Healthcare products Products that are beneficial for your health and well-being (vitamins)
FMCG Fast moving consumer goods
Snelle consumptiegoederen
CPG Consumer package goods
service Non-material good, provided by a company/individual
Childcare Kindergartens
Consulting Business/ financial advisors
Risk management Insurance and security
Cleaning and Office cleaners
Education and training Private schools
healthcare doctors
Hairdressing Small salons
Telecommunications Mobile phones
Entertainment cinemas
Tourism hotels
Marketing and Consultancies and agencies
financial banking
18. Brand values
Brand values The code by which the brand lives and operates, how the brand wants
to be seen
Brand be respected It is knowledgeable about, good understanding of, area of expertise
Strong heritage Build strong, lasting values over many years
Trustworthy/ betrouwbaar
International outlook International vooruitzichten