Multimodal freight transport and port management (Y00678)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
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Intermodal Freight Transport and Logistics
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2022-2023 Summary Multimodal Freight Transport and Port Management Master Business Administration
- Resume • 58 pages • 2023
- €8,99
- 2x vendu
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Full summary of all classes Multimodal Freight Transport and Port Management given by prof Chris Coeck in academic year 2022-2023. Passed during first examination period.
Summary Multimodal Freight Transport and Port Management (Y00678)
- Resume • 132 pages • 2023
- €11,99
- + en savoir plus
Summary of the course Multimodal Freight Transport and Port Management (Y00678), given by Prof. Chris Coeck. This is a course from Master Handelswetenschappen and the Master in Business Administration at KU Leuven campus Carolus Antwerpen. This course can be taken in any master educations of these programs. The summary is written in English. There is no textbook for this course so the summary consists of all the slides in class, supplemented by extensive notes from the lectures and possible exam...
Summary multimodal freight transport and port management
- Resume • 70 pages • 2022
- €15,49
- 4x vendu
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De samenvatting van de lessen, ppt's en bespreking tijdens de les. 
Ook opmerkingen van de video's die tijdens de les getoond werden.
Summary/ glossary of the subject: Multimodal freight transport and port management.
- Resume • 44 pages • 2022
- €6,99
- 6x vendu
- + en savoir plus
A summary in the form of a glossary of the subject matter for Multimodal freight transport and port management given by professor Coeck. 
All the slides to be known have been integrated in the summary and also the images and schedules have been included where relevant.
Summary Multimodal freight transport and port management
- Resume • 79 pages • 2020
- Disponible en pack
- €9,49
- 10x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This document is fully written in English. It is a complete summary of all powerpoints explanations given by the tutor in class. At the end you can find recaps of the chapters we had to read & discuss in class. - Also have a look at my profile for other summaries.
Être payé chaque semaine ? Vous pouvez!
Handelswetenschappen IZW: Semester 1: Verplichte vakken
- Pack • 5 éléments • 2019
- €17,49
- 8x vendu
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Bevat samenvattingen van alle verplichte vakken van het eerste semester handelswetenschappen master IZW. 
Met deze samenvattingen ben ik afgestudeerd met grote onderscheiding. 
Bevat slides, nota's en handboeken.
Multimodal freight transport and port management - Chris Coeck
- Resume • 53 pages • 2019
- Disponible en pack
- €9,99
- 13x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Volledige samenvatting. Professor: Chris Coeck. 
Bevat alle notities van de lessen verwerking van nodige hoofdstukken in het handboek. Met deze nota's moet je de lessen niet bijwonen en kan je makkelijk slagen op het examen. 
KuLeuven Campus Carolus, Master Handelswetenschappen - Internationaal zakenwezen. 
Behaalde resultaat: 16/20.
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