European Business Topics
Thomas More Hogeschool (tmhs)
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Thomas More - European Business Topics - Paper Expansion Study Phones
- Cas • 9 pages • 2023
- Disponible en pack
- €14,99
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Class: European Business Topics 
Lecturer: Jan Jonckheere 
Phase: Year 1 – Semester 1 
Content: Term Paper - Phones 
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Thomas More - European Business Topics - Summary
- Resume • 73 pages • 2023
- Disponible en pack
- €7,99
- + en savoir plus
Class: European Business Topics 
Lecturer: Jan Jonckheere 
Phase: Year 1 – Semester 1 
Content: Introduction to the European Union (handwritten) - Internal and external comparisons of Europe (handwritten) - The functioning of the EU, the single market, and the single currency (handwritten) - Marketing in Europe and European non-marketing strategy - Brexit and expansion of the EU (word) - Country studies: Russia and Eastern Europe (word) - Entrepreneurship and trade with the EU (word) - The fu...
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