SOTA Inequality and Social Exclusion (2300PSWUON)
Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
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SOTA Inequality and Social Exclusion: samenvatting verplichte literatuur
- Resume • 32 pages • 2019
- Disponible en pack
- €6,49
- 6x vendu
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Verplichte literatuur SOTA Inequality and Social Exclusion (mastervak)
SOTA 1 - 2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7; samenvatting in het Nederlands.
1.1 The Idea of Antipoverty Policy (Revallion, 2013)
1.2 Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity: Three paradigms (Silver, 1994)
2.1 The evolution of the social situation and social protection in Belgium 2019 ‘Slowly falling behind’
3.1 Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes (Hamnett, 1996)
3.2 Logics of urban polarization: the v...
SOTA Inequality and Social Exclusion: samenvatting verplichte literatuur
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Verplichte literatuur SOTA Inequality and Social Exclusion (mastervak) SOTA 1 - 2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7; samenvatting in het Nederlands. 1.1 The Idea of Antipoverty Policy (Revallion, 2013) 1.2 Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity: Three paradigms (Silver, 1994) 2.1 The evolution of the social situation and social protection in Belgium 2019 ‘Slowly falling behind’ 3.1 Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes (Hamnett, 1996) 3.2 Logics of urban polarization: the v...
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