Engels: Cultuur en literatuur (1160FLWTTA)
Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
Voici les meilleures ressources pour passer Engels: Cultuur en literatuur (1160FLWTTA). Trouvez guides d'étude pour Engels: Cultuur en literatuur (1160FLWTTA), notes, devoirs et bien plus encore.
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Summary mandatory readings & hand-outs, Engels:cultuur en literatuur
- Resume • 22 pages • 2023
- €9,49
- + en savoir plus
Summary of the mandatory readings for the exam (text on Vietnam and text Beloved)+ summary of the hand-outs with the professors's remarks on the specific passages and quotes. Hand-outs in this document are ( Waiting for the Barbarians, Native Son, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous & The God of Small Things )
Summary mandatory readings & hand-outs, Engels:cultuur en literatuur
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de cela
Summary of the mandatory readings for the exam (text on Vietnam and text Beloved)+ summary of the hand-outs with the professors's remarks on the specific passages and quotes. Hand-outs in this document are ( Waiting for the Barbarians, Native Son, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous & The God of Small Things )
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Engels: Cultuur en literatuur summary, 2022
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Complete summary of all the lectures taught by Frank Albers (2022), very detailed summary of all the novels and his explanations. I scored a 17 on the exam because of this summary.
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Saviez-vous qu'un vendeur sur Stuvia gagne en moyenne 76 € par mois en vendant des ressources d'étude ? Hum, c'est peut-être un indice. Découvrez tout sur gagner de l'argent sur Stuvia