Politics of Conflict (K001349A)
Universiteit Gent (UGent)
All 7 résultats
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Summary Politics of Conflict
- Resume • 44 pages • 2022
- €6,49
- 12x vendu
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Here you can find a summary of all the classes of Politics of Conflict, including the notes on the slides that were provided.
samenvatting reader en slides K001349A poltics of conflict 2022 Jeroen Adam
- Resume • 11 pages • 2022
- €2,99
- 1x vendu
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Een goede samenvatting van de reader( alle teksten die verplicht zijn) en de slides. hierin zijn er linken gelegd tussen de cursus en de verplichte lectuur. Hier en daar zit er een typfoutje in. overzichtelijke per schrijver samengevatte tekst. ( Arendt, Fanon, Marx,Stoler,Mahmood Mamdani,Mbembe, Baumann, Scheper-Hudges, Bourgois, Boesten, Wolf, Desmond aries en Goldstein, etc.)
Summary Texts - Politics of Conflict
- Resume • 33 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- €4,99
- 12x vendu
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Texts included: 
- 1)	Hannah Arendt 
A Special Supplement: Reflections on Violence [1969]
2)	Ann Stoler
Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power [2010]
3)	Mahmood Mamdani
Making sense of political violence in post-colonial Africa [2003]
4)	Achille Mbembe
Necropolitics [2003]
5)	Zygmunt Bauman
Modernity & and the Holocaust [1989]
6) Philippe Bourgios & Nancy Scheper-Hughes
Violence in War and Peace [2000]
6)	Jelke Boesten
Sexual Violence during War and Peace [2014]
7)	Chantal Mouffe
On the Politica...
Summary Texts - Politics of Conflict
- Resume • 33 pages • 2021
- €4,99
- 2x vendu
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Texts included: 
 1)	Hannah Arendt 
A Special Supplement: Reflections on Violence [1969] 
2)	Ann Stoler 
Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power [2010] 
3)	Mahmood Mamdani 
Making sense of political violence in post-colonial Africa [2003] 
4)	Achille Mbembe 
Necropolitics [2003] 
5)	Zygmunt Bauman 
Modernity & and the Holocaust [1989] 
6) Philippe Bourgios & Nancy Scheper-Hughes 
Violence in War and Peace [2000] 
6)	Jelke Boesten 
Sexual Violence during War and Peace [2014] 
7)	Ch...
Summary Politics of Conflict
- Notes de cours • 85 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- €4,99
- 2x vendu
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The document is a summary of all the courses (10) of Politics of Conflict, taught by Jeroen Adam. It is a collection of my class notes (including examples given in class, discussion points raised at the end of each class, his memes that should just get some credit), so quite extensive. Therefore, I do believe they are ideal for the open book exam. Good luck studying!
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Summary Politics of Conflict
- Notes de cours • 85 pages • 2021
- €4,99
- 3x vendu
- + en savoir plus
The document is a summary of all the courses (10) of Politics of Conflict, taught by Jeroen Adam. It is a collection of my class notes (including examples given in class, discussion points raised at the end of each class, his memes that should just get some credit), so quite extensive. Therefore, I do believe they are ideal for the open book exam. Good luck studying!
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