EU banking and capital market law
Universiteit Gent (UGent)
Voici les meilleures ressources pour passer EU banking and capital market law. Trouvez guides d'étude pour EU banking and capital market law, notes, devoirs et bien plus encore.
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Notes EU banking and capital market law (18/20)
- Notes de cours • 91 pages • 2024
- €6,99
- 6x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Those are complete notes of the entire course of 2024. It is super complete (I got an 18/20 just by using those) with everything said by the professor and what was on the PowerPoint (+the point underlined by the prof regarding the weekly news brief).

note: there might be some typos, sorry in advance!
Notes de cours
Notes EU banking and capital market law (18/20)
Dernier document publié:
de cela
Those are complete notes of the entire course of 2024. It is super complete (I got an 18/20 just by using those) with everything said by the professor and what was on the PowerPoint (+the point underlined by the prof regarding the weekly news brief). 
note: there might be some typos, sorry in advance!
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