Belgian Society & Politics
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
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Complete SUMMARY of 'Belgian Politics & Society' (1Ba Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Sinardet)
- Resume • 89 pages • 2022
- €8,79
- + en savoir plus
This file is a complete and organized (in the 12 parts of the course) summary of the "Belgian Society & Politics taught by Prof. Dr. Sinardet. I got a 19/20 making and using these summaries. They were primarily made out of the Dr. Sinardet's book/syllabus itself, but also of a comparative work of multiple summaries, the class recordings and the slides. Please enjoy and kill this exam!
Complete SUMMARY of 'Belgian Politics & Society' (1Ba Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Sinardet)
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de cela
This file is a complete and organized (in the 12 parts of the course) summary of the "Belgian Society & Politics taught by Prof. Dr. Sinardet. I got a 19/20 making and using these summaries. They were primarily made out of the Dr. Sinardet's book/syllabus itself, but also of a comparative work of multiple summaries, the class recordings and the slides. Please enjoy and kill this exam!
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Combien avez-vous déjà dépensé pour Stuvia ? Imaginez que vous soyez beaucoup plus nombreux à payer pour des notes d'étude, mais cette fois-ci, c'est VOUS qui vendez. Ka-ching ! Découvrez tout sur gagner de l'argent sur Stuvia