Material science - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Material science ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 159 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Material science.
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Samenvatting Material Science
- Resume • 34 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- €10,66
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Over de productie van papier van vroeger tot nu en hoe je verschillende papiersoorten kan herkennen. Gramgewicht, formaat, looprichting, zeef- en viltzijde, witheid, opaciteit, dikte en opdikking, PH-waarde, vochtigheid en meer.

Complete Lectures Summary - History of Social Science (S_HSS)
- Resume • 119 pages • 2023
- €10,69
- 4x vendu
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Providing an in-depth recollection of the lectures material, form professors' notes, quotes and book Social Science and Historical Perspectives.

Readign notes for Philosophy of social science
- Resume • 13 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €5,56
- 1x vendu
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The document provides detailed notes for the readings of the sociology course 'Philosophy of Social Science' as well as questions to better comprehend the material. The only reading missing is that of Markham (2005) from the last session of the course.

Research Methods in Political Science Notes on *SOME* Readings - GRADE 7,0
- Resume • 26 pages • 2022
Disponible en pack
- €8,99
- 7x vendu
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Summary of *SOME* of the material for the final exam (2022) for Research Methods in Political Science. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 26 pages): 
Sandra Halperin and Oliver Heath’s book (3rd edition, 2020) “Political Research Methods and Practical Skills”, chapters 1-7. 
Sandra Mathison’s article (1988) “Why Triangulate?”, pp. 13-17. 
Paul C. Price, Rajiv Jhangiani and I-Chant A’s book (2nd edition, 2015) “Research Methods in Psychology”, pp. 96-102.

Summary of all papers/articles of Data Science Methods for MADS (EBM216A05)
- Resume • 22 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €9,48
- 6x vendu
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Summary of all articles/papers of the mandatory reading list of Data Science Methods for MADS (DSM). Mandatory material for the exam. It includes takeaways and a summary of each article/paper.
Een samenvatting van de leerstof en de workshop opgedeeld in logische volgorde met foto's waar nodig en inhoudstafel.

Exam overview Culture and Comparison
- Resume • 49 pages • 2024
- €6,62
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This document contains a complete overview of the teaching material of the first-year-course of culture and comparison, at the University of Leiden. The summary is in English because the course is taught in English. The document is a combination of my own notes of the lectures, the mandatory literature and the powerpoints. The books: "Witchcraft, magic and oracles among the Azande" by Evans-Pritchard and "Never in Anger" by Jeans Briggs are in detail analysed. It dives deeper in on theories like...

Notes/Summary for Introduction to Communication Science (ICS) Second Exam
- Resume • 22 pages • 2024
- €14,16
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Providing all concise and relevant material for the second Introduction to Communication Science exam (week 8 - week 12). The material covers lectures, the book, and relevant readings.

Strategy Analytics Summary for Exam - MSc. Strategic Management
- Resume • 33 pages • 2022
- €7,98
- 12x vendu
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This document contains a summary of the material needed for the exam. It includes information from the book, lectures, knowledge clips, cases, and papers. Written in the academic year 2021-2022 and based on the book "Data Science for Business", which has been used in all lectures.

Spiekbrief midterm Data Science (stof week 1-3)
- Resume • 2 pages • 2025
- €7,66
- 1x vendu
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Goede spiekbrief die alle stof bevat voor de midterm data science. Met voorbeelden van pandas code en somuitwerkingen. Ingedeeld per Hoorcollege met de belangrijkste begrippen dikgedrukt zodat ze gemakkelijk te vinden zijn.

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