White privilege - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés

Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur White privilege ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 12 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour White privilege.

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REJECTING MINORITIES: Summaries of the readings
  • REJECTING MINORITIES: Summaries of the readings

  • Resume • 20 pages • 2018
  • Summaries of all the mandatory readings of the course Rejecting minorities: an interdisciplinary perspective on intergroup relations. The Summaries are categorized per weekly topic, structured according to the reading list from the course syllabus. Week 1: Introduction and start theories: social identity theory - TAYLOR, D.M. & MOGHADDAM, F.M. (1987). THEORIES OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS. WESTPORT: PRAEGER. PP. 59- 84. - SPEARS, R. (2011). GROUP IDENTITIES: THE SOCIAL IDENTITY PERSPECTIVE. PP....
  • dianooms
  • €4,49
  • 13x vendu
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Extensive Mindmap incl.: main threads of M. Sandel's Extensive Mindmap incl.: main threads of M. Sandel's
  • Extensive Mindmap incl.: main threads of M. Sandel's

  • Visuels • 1 pages • 2016
  • For the course Law, Justice & Morality in the UvA PPLE programme; also recommended for other courses concerning either of these three fields. This visual mindmap summarizes the next topics: LAW - Introduction to Law as in the book of Hage & Akkermans; including: division common/civil law; statutory interpretations; history of law; source thesis - Introduction to Bentham, Austin, H.L.A. Hart, Dworkin; including legal positivism JUSTICE and MORALITY - The main threads of Michael Sandel's "Justi...
  • tahrimramdjan
  • €2,99
  • 3x vendu
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