World politics - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur World politics ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 125 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour World politics.
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Intelligence Communities, the Cold War, and Decolonization Notes on *SOME* Readings - GRADE 7,5
- Resume • 35 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €8,49
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Summary of *SOME* of the reading materials & lecture questions for the final exam (2023) for Intelligence Communities, the Cold War, and Decolonization. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 35 pages): 
Christopher Andrew’s chapter (2010) “20. Intelligence in the Cold War” in “The Cambridge History of the Cold War” (volume II, 2010). 
Richard Aldrich’s article (2002) “‘Grow your own’: Cold War intelligence and history supermarkets”. 
Jonathan Corrado’s article (2023) “Rethink...

World Politics Class Notes and Reading Summaries (2024) Extensive and Detailed: Part 2/2 including Weeks 6-12
- Notes de cours • 79 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- €7,89
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A detailed summary of notes from all information from lectures, slides, and class discussion, as well as additional information that provides context and facts about all information on slides. Reading summaries for the assigned readings of each week, as well as takeaways, reflections, and conclusions. -- I received a 19/20 on my last oral exam, have an average of 17/20 in my other courses in the program, and am a keen listener in class. -- Clear indication of important points and what Holslag fl...

- Pack • 3 éléments • 2024
- €17,49
- 2x vendu
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Lecture notes, reading summaries, and class discussions for WORLD POLITICS as well as discussion session notes from ISSS. See individual postings for more details.

*2022* Analyzing International Relations Lecture Notes (Lectures 1-13) and *SOME* Required Readings - GRADE 7,5
- Notes de cours • 61 pages • 2022
- €13,99
- 21x vendu
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Combined notes on the lectures and *SOME* required readings from the course (2022) Analysing International Relations. INCLUDES notes on (Total: 61 pages): 
Lectures 1-13. 
John Mearsheimer’s (2001) article “Anarchy and the Struggle for Power” in Mearsheimer’s book (1990) “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics.”, pp. 29-54. 
Alexander Wendt’s (1992) article “Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics”, pp. 391-425. 
David Lake’s (2007) a...

Security Challenges in a Globalizing World Notes on *SOME* Readings - GRADE 7,5
- Resume • 25 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €4,99
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Summary of *SOME* the reading materials for the final exam (2023) for Security Challenges in a Globalizing World. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 25 pages): 
Catarina Kinnvall & Jennifer Mitzen’s article (2020) “Anxiety, fear, and ontological security in world politics: thinking with and beyond Giddens”. 
Christopher S. Browning’s article (2018) “Brexit, existential anxiety and ontological (in)security”. 
Chris Rossdale’s article (2015) “Enclosing Critique: The Limits of Ontolo...

Samenvatting Reader (Teksten)
- Resume • 28 pages • 2023
- Disponible en pack
- €4,89
- 7x vendu
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Samenvatting Reader (Teksten) : Theorieën van de Internationale Relaties 
Politics Among Nations : Hans Morgenthau (Neoklassiek Realisme) 
Future Of Diplomacy : Hans Morgenthau (Neoklassiek Realisme) 
Theory Of International Politics : Kenneth Waltz (Neorealisme) 
Why Iran Should Get The Bomb : Kenneth Waltz (Neorealisme) 
Israel Lobby And Us Foreign Policy : Mearsheimer & Walt 
Two Cheers For Multilateralism : Keohane & Nye (Neoliberaal Institutionalisme) 
European Constitutional Settle...

Samenvatting Narratieve communicatie
- Resume • 82 pages • 2024
- €8,99
- 1x vendu
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Een samenvatting van alle literatuur en college slides voor het vak Narratieve communicatie (master communicatie en beïnvloeding of als keuze vak) aan de Radboud Universiteit. De samenvatting bevat de volgende artikelen: 
Bruner, J. (1991). The narrative construction of reality. Critical inquiry, 18(1), 1-21. 
Sanders, J., & Van Krieken, K. (2023) Narratieve analyse. In J. Karreman & R. van Enschot (eds.) Tekstanalyse (vijfde, herziene druk). Van Gorcum. 
Sanders, J., & Van Krieken, K. (201...

Complete study material (16/20) - World Politics (prof. Holslag)
- Notes de cours • 330 pages • 2022
- Disponible en pack
- €14,48
- 2x vendu
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Integrated document with elaborate notes that serves as complete study material for the exam. 16/20

Samenvatting: Strategy and Non-Market Environment MBA
- Resume • 90 pages • 2023
- €6,09
- 4x vendu
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Alle lecture slides 
Samenvatting van de volgende artikelen: 
Background readings 
Porter. M. 1985. Chapter 1: Competitive strategy: The core concepts. In: M. Porter, 
Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: The Free 
Press: 1-30. 
Discussion readings 
Baron, D. P. 1995. Integrated strategy: Market and nonmarket components. California 
Management Review, 37(2): 47-65. 
Hu, Y.-S. 1995. The International Transferability of the Firm's Advantages. California 

Essential Contemporary Challenges summary (all: lectures, workgroups, texts)
- Resume • 31 pages • 2022
- €6,89
- 34x vendu
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Samenvatting van alle colleges, werkgroepen en teksten geordend per week van het blok essential contemporary challenges. 
> WK1 Studying philosophy: Arendt, Crisis in education 
> WK2 Mental Health: Hacking, the looping effect + Laing, the divided self 
> WK3 Climate Crisis: Catherine, facing extinction + Bottici, the environment is us + Stengers, The intrusion of Gaia 
> WK4 Contesting politics: Mouffe, for a left populism + Kaltwasser, populism around the world 
> Exam...

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