Antisocial behavior - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Antisocial behavior ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 33 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Antisocial behavior.
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Verkorte samenvatting alle literatuur - Development of pro- and antisocial behavior
- Resume • 30 pages • 2021
Disponible en pack
- €4,99
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Uitgebreide samenvatting van de literatuur van alle 7 thema's van Development of Pro- and Antisocial Behavior. 
Dit is de verkorte versie. 
Ik heb dit vak afgerond met een 8,5.

Youth Studies: an Interdisciplinary Approach anaylytical questions answers
- Resume • 42 pages • 2020
- €6,99
- 9x vendu
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course: Youth Studies: an Interdisciplinary Approach 
Master Youth Studies, Utrecht University 
Answers weekly analytical questions (homework) 
Almost everything discussed during the tutorialmeetings so correct answers. These questions were very important for the exams! 
questions about the following literature: 
Lecture 1 
Sameroff, A. (2010). A unified theory of development: A dialectic integration of nature and nurture. Child Development, 81, 6-22. 
Schoon, I., Bynner, J., Joshi, H. et ...
Pro- and antisocial behavior - Normale en verkorte samenvatting

Samenvatting teksten van week 2A justitieel ingrijpen
- Resume • 20 pages • 2021
Disponible en pack
- €3,99
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Belangrijkste stukken teksten van de literatuur voor week 2A van het vak Justitieel ingrijpen. Nederlandse teksten in het Nederlands en Engelse teksten in Engels. 
Is the peer presence effect on Heightened adolescent risky decision-making only present in Males? (Defoe, Dubas, Dalmaijer en Aken) 
Determinants and outcomes of social climate in therapeutic residential youth care: a systematic review (Leipoldt, Harder, Kayed, Grietens en Rimehaug) 
Adolescence-limited and life-course-Persistent an...

Samenvatting artikelen & hoorcolleges: Introductie Algemene sociale wetenschappen (IASW)
- Resume • 11 pages • 2020
- €6,99
- 44x vendu
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Samenvatting van de artikelen van: 
- Weber (de protestantse ethiek...)
- Maddox (prosper, consumer and be saved)
- Adorno (Prejudice in the interview material)
- Coenders (more than 2 decades of changing ethnic attitudes in NL)
- Freud (rouw en melancholie)
- Fredrickson & Roberts (objectification theory)
- Merton (social structure and anomie)
- Moffit (adolescence-limited and life-course-persistent antisocial behavior)

Inclusief aantekeningen/samenvatting van de 8 hoorcolleges en de werkgroep...

Hoorcolleges Affective Science and Psychopathology
- Notes de cours • 23 pages • 2021
- €5,19
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Kort en bondige samenvatting van de hoorcolleges van Affective Science and Psychopathology. De samenvatting is geschreven in de vorm van opsommingen en duidelijke weergaven (niet in verhaal-vorm)

GZW2224 PhiA 2.4 Paper Early Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and antisocial behavior
- Dissertation • 10 pages • 2020
Disponible en pack
- €9,99
- 20x vendu
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Paper of the course GZW2224 (Moral Compass of Contemporary Health) BGZ for the PHiA week. This paper is about early prevention of juvenile delinquency and antisocial behavior including the 4 stages and a reference list. It has been rated with ''good''.

Samenvatting artikelen & hoorcolleges Introductie Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschap
- Resume • 11 pages • 2020
- €7,49
- 12x vendu
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Samenvatting van de artikelen van: 
- Weber (de protestantse ethiek...)
- Maddox (prosper, consumer and be saved)
- Adorno (Prejudice in the interview material)
- Coenders (more than 2 decades of changing ethnic attitudes in NL)
- Freud (rouw en melancholie)
- Fredrickson & Roberts (objectification theory)
- Merton (social structure and anomie)
- Moffit (adolescence-limited and life-course-persistent antisocial behavior)

Inclusief aantekeningen/samenvatting van de 8 hoorcolleges en de werkgroep...

Literatuursamenvatting Child abuse and neglect: neurobiological aspects and intervention (CAN) (NL)
- Resume • 94 pages • 2020
- €4,49
- 26x vendu
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Literatuursamenvatting van de volgende artikelen voor het vak CAN, geschreven in het Nederlands:

Danese, A., & Tan, M. (2014). Childhood maltreatment and obesity: systematic review and meta-analysis. Molecular Psychiatry, 19, 544,554. doi:10.1038/mp.2013.54
Bellis, M.A., Hughes, K., Ford, K., Ramos Rodriguez, G., Sethi, D., & Passmore, J. (2019). Life course health consequences and associated annual costs of adverse childhood experiences across Europe and North America: a systematic review and ...

Development of Pro- and Antisocial Behaviour
- Resume • 60 pages • 2020
- €3,99
- 4x vendu
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2020! Exam-ready. Everything you need for the exam of Development of Pro- and Antisocial Behaviour (2020). A course at the Radboud University, Psychology. All relevant information from the lectures and Powerpoints, supplemented with additional information from the literature and from the internet.

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