Intellectual property - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Intellectual property ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 87 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Intellectual property.
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Samenvatting Innovatie Management
- Resume • 82 pages • 2024
- €7,49
- 5x vendu
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Samenvatting voor Innovation Management, Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam School of Management. Vat zowel het boek (Innovation Management, Jan van den Ende) als de lectures samen.

Extensive lecture notes
- Notes de cours • 59 pages • 2022
- €3,39
- 1x vendu
- + en savoir plus
All lecture notes from 2021-2022 
- Edler & Fagerberg (2017). 
-Stiglitz, J., 1998. 
-Flanagan, K., Uyarra, E. and Laranja, M. (2011). 
-Schot & Steinmueller (2018). 
- Mazzucato, M. (2018). Mission-oriented innovation policies: challenges and opportunities. Industrial and Corporate Change, 27(5), 803-815. 
- Janssen, M., Torrens, J.C.L., Wesseling, J., Wanzenböck, I., (2021). 
-Hessels, L.K. and Van Lente, H., 2008. 
-Bozeman, Barry. "Public value science." Issues in Scien...
Summary of the course strategic innovation management
Een samenvatting van alle lessen. handige cursus om te gebruiken tijdens open boek examen
A chronological summary of all the lectures, academic articles, workshops, and practice exam questions of the course Science Based Entrepreneurship.

Peur de manquer quelque chose ? Alors non !

Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property Samenvatting - HIR - 16/20 eerste zit
- Resume • 53 pages • 2022
- €8,00
- 6x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Deze samenvatting omvat alle leerstof uit de lessen Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property, gegeven aan de derdejaars studenten Handelsingenieur en Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen (TEW) door Maikel Pellens. Ik scoorde met deze samenvatting een 16/20 in mijn eerste zit. Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op notities uit de lessen, aangevuld met de powerpoints en de cursus.

- Examen • 25 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €16,99
- + en savoir plus
Q.No.1 Which of the following is MOST important for an organization that wants to reduce IT operational risk? 
A.	Increasing senior management's understanding of IT operations 
B.	Increasing the frequency of data backups 
C.	Minimizing complexity of IT infrastructure 
D.	Decentralizing IT infrastructure 
Q.No.2 Deviation from a mitigation action plan's completion date should be determined by which of the following? 
A.	Benchmarking analysis with similar completed projects 
B.	Change manag...

Summary Law and Data Science (JBL120/JBL125) 2021/2022
- Resume • 26 pages • 2022
- €6,64
- 5x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This summary contains all the theory presented in the JBL120 (becomes JBL125) Law and Data Science course given at TU/e in cooperation with TiU in 2021/2022. This includes elaborate explanation of relevant concepts, theory, case law and a 'Latin Phrases Cheatsheet' on the last page of the document. This will help you be prepared for the exam!
Notes to all the ISFE podcasts, covering all the theory
This summary includes information from the powerpoint slides as well as notes from the lectures.

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