Alexander the great - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Alexander the great ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 17 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Alexander the great.
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*2022* Analyzing International Relations Lecture Notes (Lectures 1-13) and *SOME* Required Readings - GRADE 7,5
- Notes de cours • 61 pages • 2022
- €13,99
- 21x vendu
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Combined notes on the lectures and *SOME* required readings from the course (2022) Analysing International Relations. INCLUDES notes on (Total: 61 pages): 
Lectures 1-13. 
John Mearsheimer’s (2001) article “Anarchy and the Struggle for Power” in Mearsheimer’s book (1990) “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics.”, pp. 29-54. 
Alexander Wendt’s (1992) article “Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics”, pp. 391-425. 
David Lake’s (2007) a...

citizenship test 2024-2025 is the latest test that covers all the areas tested and complete documents for the study
- Examen • 299 pages • 2024
- €19,46
- + en savoir plus
this document has helped me pass my exam since it covers all the tested questions in the main exams 
get a copy. 
the document has been written with two languages 
1) which year did Canada officially become a country? 
1) ¿En qué año Canadá se convirtió oficialmente en un país? 
a) 1867 
b) 1776 
C) 1812 
d) 1914 - a) 1867 
2) who was the first prime minister of Canada ? 
2) Quién fue el primer primer ministro de Canadá? 
a) Sir John A. Mac Donald 
b) Sir Wilfrid Laurier 
c) william ...

PDC Final Exam 100% Rated And Verified
- Examen • 6 pages • 2024
- €8,54
- + en savoir plus
PDC Final Exam 
Who is your Worthy Master At Arms? - ANS Abby Hulsizer 
What is the Phi Delta Chi Motto, and define its meaning. (If you miss this question, you will have to retake the exam. Spelling counts!) - ANS Alterum Alterius Auxilio Eget. Each Needs the Help of the Other. 
What is the Phi Delta Chi Objective? - ANS To advance the science of pharmacy and its allied interests, and to foster and promote a fraternal spirit among its members 
What is the Phi Delt...

HISTORY Paper Three: Versailles to Berlin and Imperial Russia, Revolution, Soviet Union
- Resume • 23 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €8,99
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This revision material includes both topics of the ib history P3 exams and is based on the 2023 exams syllabus. 
Versailles to Berlin includes: conditions in Europe 1919, Paris Peace conferences, The big Three, League of Nations, Nazism, disarmament, Mandates, Great Depression, etc. 
Imperial Russia, Revolution, Soviet Union includes: Russia in 1855, Autocracy, Alexander II and reforms, Age of Counter reform, Nicholas II the last of the Romanovs, 1905 revolution, WW1, 1917 Revolution, Lenin an...

An introduction to Philosophy: Aristotle
- Resume • 5 pages • 2023
- Disponible en pack
- €2,49
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The document gives insight into one of the most influential philosophers of Greek philosophy. The main topics are: 
1. Aristotle’s 4 questions 
2. The relationship between Aristotle and Alexander The Great 
3. Aristotle’s Lyceum 
4. Aristotle’s account of happiness

History of International Relations Chapter 11 (1250-1500 CE) (Holslag)
- Resume • 9 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- 3x vendu
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Detailed chapter summary: the level of detail expected in the January 2021 session 
I received a 17/20 with this 
- important points in the given period 
- specifics information split by regions 
- Each chapter summary ends in a (brief) discussion of the relevant points for each of the 5 layers (distribution of power, political units, interaction, nature/planet, thinking) 
Abbreviations used: 
O1H: on the one hand 
OOH: on the other hand 
ao: among other(s) 
ME: Middle E...

History of International Relations Chapter 4 (500 - 250 BCE) (Holslag)
- Resume • 7 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- 1x vendu
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Detailed chapter summary: the level of detail expected in the January 2021 session 
I received a 17/20 with this 
- important points in the given period 
- specifics information split by regions 
- Each chapter summary ends in a (brief) discussion of the relevant points for each of the 5 layers (distribution of power, political units, interaction, nature/planet, thinking) 
Abbreviations used: 
O1H: on the one hand 
OOH: on the other hand 
ao: among other(s) 
ME: Middle E...

History of International Relations Chapter 13 (1750-2000 CE) (Holslag)
- Resume • 14 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- €6,99
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Detailed chapter summary: the level of detail expected in the January 2021 session 
I received a 17/20 with this 
- important points in the given period 
- specifics information split by regions 
- Each chapter summary ends in a (brief) discussion of the relevant points for each of the 5 layers (distribution of power, political units, interaction, nature/planet, thinking) 
Abbreviations used: 
O1H: on the one hand 
OOH: on the other hand 
ao: among other(s) 
ME: Middle E...

History of International Relations Chapter 10 (1000-1250 CE) (Holslag)
- Resume • 8 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- + en savoir plus
Detailed chapter summary: the level of detail expected in the January 2021 session 
I received a 17/20 with this 
- important points in the given period 
- specifics information split by regions 
- Each chapter summary ends in a (brief) discussion of the relevant points for each of the 5 layers (distribution of power, political units, interaction, nature/planet, thinking) 
Abbreviations used: 
O1H: on the one hand 
OOH: on the other hand 
ao: among other(s) 
ME: Middle E...

History of International Relations Chapter 8 (500-750 CE) (Holslag)
- Resume • 7 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- + en savoir plus
Detailed chapter summary: the level of detail expected in the January 2021 session 
I received a 17/20 with this 
- important points in the given period 
- specifics information split by regions 
- Each chapter summary ends in a (brief) discussion of the relevant points for each of the 5 layers (distribution of power, political units, interaction, nature/planet, thinking) 
Abbreviations used: 
O1H: on the one hand 
OOH: on the other hand 
ao: among other(s) 
ME: Middle E...

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