Chapter 7 - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
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Summary Sport and performance psychology (articles) RUG
- Resume • 68 pages • 2024
- €8,46
- 25x vendu
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In this course, the required literature consisted of a series of chapters and articles (27 in total) that provide an overview of key theories, concepts, and findings within the discipline of sport and performance psychology, as well as a critical perspective that examines and challenges these core foundations. The literature covers key theories, models, and research findings affecting both participation and performance in sport, including topics such as motivation and enjoyment, goal setting, me...

Understanding Prejudice: an interdisciplinary perspective on intergroup relations Articles Summary + additonal lecture notes
- Resume • 61 pages • 2024 Très apprécié
- €6,99
- 12x vendu
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Summary of all articles from the course Understanding Prejudice + additional information from the lectures. 
Topic 1: Social Identity Theory 
• (*) Ellemers, N., & Haslam, S.A. (2012). Social identity theory. In: P. van Lange, A. Kruglanski, & T. 
Higgins (Eds.). Handbook of theories of social psychology (pp. 379-398). London: Sage. 
•Verkuyten, M. (2018). Chapter 3: Social identity. In: Verkuyten, M. The social psychology of ethnic 
identity (2nd ed.). Routlege. 
Morgana Lizzio-Wilson...

Marketing for Pre-master Summary Midterm 2 Chapter 7 to 14
- Resume • 30 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €7,49
- 7x vendu
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A summary of the book Hoyer/MacInnis/Pieters' Consumer Behavior, 8th Edition which is required to study for the course Marketing for pre-master when following the pre master Marketing Management at Tilburg University. The chapters 7 until 14 are summarised which are required to know for the second mid term of the course.

COMPLETE samenvatting Ruimtelijke data en Geo-informatie SGPL jaar 1
- Resume • 60 pages • 2025
- €6,49
- 6x vendu
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Uitgebreide samenvatting van het vak Ruimtelijke data en Geo-informatie. Alle door de docent opgegeven literatuur, sheets en alle aantekeningen uit de les. 
Het best verkochte boek ooit: voorwoord, inleiding, H2 en H4 
• Baggerman, K. (2020). Migratieachtergrond? Volgens de Leefbaarometer maak jij je wijk dan slechter. 
Stadszaken, 16-6-2020. Online beschikbaar via: 

• Bolt, G., Favier, T. & Lubberts, R. (2019). De leefbaaromet...

Architecture, theory and criticism: Lessen Gideon Boie
- Resume • 70 pages • 2024
- €12,49
- 31x vendu
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In this document, you can find a summary of the 6 lessons that Gideon Boie has given in the lessons "Architecture, theory and criticism". 
The first pages are about chapter 7: Ecology, after that, you can find chapter 8: democracy, then chapter 9: performativity, after that is chapter 10: decolonisation, chapter 11: activism and then the last chapter is 12: care. 
 I took notes in class, each with accompanying images. This is a summary of my notes with important references/definitions etc.

Samenvatting Boek Geschiedenis Sociale Wetenschappen (voorheen sociologie van sociale wetenschappen)
- Resume • 28 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €6,99
- 7x vendu
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Deze samenvatting biedt een overzicht van belangrijke concepten uit verschillende hoofdstukken van geschiedenis sociale wetenschappen voor het tentamen. De samenvatting omvat ook de beantwoording van leesvragen die gericht zijn op de behandelde hoofdstukken, waardoor het een waardevol hulpmiddel is voor het begrijpen en voorbereiden op tentamens. De samenvatting gaat over hoofdstukken: 
Chapter 1 What is Social Science? 
Chapter 6 Sociological Information 
Chapter 4 Economic Outlook (103-106) 

Summary Marketing for premasters 2nd Midterm Tilburg University 8th edition
- Resume • 32 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €5,92
- 23x vendu
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Summary Marketing for premasters 2nd Midterm Tilburg University, chapter 7 until 14. Regarding the book consumer behavior 8th edition.

Summary of Disorders of Childhood (2023/2024)
- Resume • 53 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €7,98
- 5x vendu
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4th edition Disorders of Childhood ISBN: 9780357796559 
Chapter 1. Introduction 
Chapter 2. Models of Child Development, Psychopathology, and Treatment 
Chapter 3. Principles and practices of developmental psychopathology 
Chapter 4. Classification, assessment and diagnosis, and intervention 
Chapter 5. Disorders of early childhood 
Chapter 6. Intellectual developmental disorder and learning disorders 
Chapter 7. Autism spectrum disorder 
Chapter 8. Maltreatment and trauma- and stressor-relat...

Summary literature for the course 'Diagnostics in Clinical Neuropsychology'of UL: fifth edition of the book Neuropsychological Assessment by Lezak, Howieson, Bigler, & Tranel
- Resume • 61 pages • 2024
- €8,49
- 9x vendu
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Summary of the the fifth edition of the book Neuropsychological Assessment by Lezak, Howieson, Bigler, & Tranel. 
Chapter 1, pages 3-12 (full chapter except for the section "What can we expect of neuropsychological assessment in the 21th century?"). 
Chapter 2, pages 15-39 (full chapter except for the section "Personality/emotionality variables"). 
Chapter 3, pages 41-100 (full chapter). 
Chapter 6, pages 165-169 (section "Test scores" until "Evaluation Issues"). 
Chapter 7, pages 179-344 (fu...

Summary Introduction to Cognitive Science endterm - Tilburg University
- Resume • 60 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €8,99
- 3x vendu
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Summary of the book Cognitive Science by Friedenberg, Silverman and Spivey (4th edition). Includes chapter 11, 6, 7, 10 and 14 
Endterm Tilburg University, Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence 1st Year 
Includes summaries of the practicals networks, emotion and embodiment (articles and videos)

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