Cross cultural psychology - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Cross cultural psychology ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 122 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Cross cultural psychology.
All 122 résultats
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Volledige samenvatting voor CROSS-CULTURELE PSYCHOLOGIE (KUL) inclusief gastcolleges en handboek
- Resume • 126 pages • 2024
- €5,99
- 17x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Dit is een volledige samenvatting voor cross-culturele psychologie gedoceerd aan de KUL. Het bevat alle leerstof van de hoorcolleges en gastcolleges en werd aangevuld met alle te kennen hoofdstukken uit het handboek 'Cultural psychology' van Heine.
A full summary of "Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness" that I made and caused me to pass the course

Grade 7,8! Summary (lectures + literature) of Cross-Cultural Psychology of Health and Illness (+ Exam tips!)
- Resume • 49 pages • 2024
- €7,34
- 7x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This summary contains everything you need to know for the Cross-Cultural Psychology of Health and Illness exam: Lectures + book + articles. 
I added some exam tips that I remembered from taking the exam myself. I got a 7.8 for the exam with this summary.

Summary Social Psychology - Social and cross cultural psychology (PSBE1-02)
- Resume • 61 pages • 2023
- €6,49
- 3x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This document is a summary of the first-year social psychology course at the University of Groningen (RUG). The material summarized is from the book “Social Psychology (9th edition)” along with additional explanations for some terms that seemed complicated or poorly explained in the book.

Book chapter and lecture summary Cultural Psychology - Cross cultural Psychology of Health and Illness (6463PS023Y)
- Resume • 50 pages • 2024
- €8,99
- 1x vendu
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This document contains notes from all lectures and book chapters from the course Cross Cultural Psychology of Health and Illness. This included weeks 1-7 from the year (as the new schedule no longer has week 8). As week 7 is a guest lecture the content may vary depending on the year or examination.

Cross cultural psychology of health and illness book and lecture summary for exam.
- Resume • 40 pages • 2022
- €7,39
- 9x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Complete and detailed notes for the CCPHI exam containing the lectures, articles and book chapters (details listed on the first page). Unnecessary details are left out, and clear language is used to make studying easier for you! I got an 8.5 by studying these notes.

Summary Part 1 minor, problems 1,2,3,4 - Minor Cross-Cultural Psychology (FSWP-K-3-6)
- Resume • 52 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €6,99
- 2x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Summary - Minor Cross-Cultural Psychology (FSWP-K-3-6). Theme 1,2,3,4. (Part 1 minor)

Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness Full Lecture Summary
- Resume • 17 pages • 2023
- €8,99
- 7x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Full lecture summary (weeks 1-8) for Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness elective. Exam taken block 1 of 2022/2023 academic year.

Grade 7.8! Article summary: Cross-Cultural Psychology of Health and Illness
- Resume • 6 pages • 2024
- €4,99
- + en savoir plus
In this summary you can find the headlines of the articles you have to know for Cross-cultural psychology of health and illness. With this summary (I have a summary of the literature + lectures too) I received a 7.8!

Complete samenvatting interculturele pedagogiek
- Resume • 24 pages • 2023
- €5,49
- 5x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Deze samenvatting (+ aantekeningen van hoorcolleges) is bedoeld voor studenten die de opleiding Pedagogische wetenschappen/acpa volgen aan Universiteit Leiden en in het 1e leerjaar zitten. Het bevat de stof die wordt getoetst voor het vak interculturele pedagogiek in blok 2 (hoorcolleges, podcasts en literatuur). 
De kleuren in de tekst geven belangrijke punten aan. 
Geel: belangrijk onderwerp/begrip 
Groen: subonderwerp/hoort bij belangrijk begrip 
Grijs: overige belangrijke woorden/woorden...

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