Economic development - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés

Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Economic development ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 126 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Economic development.

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Prevention of Mental Health Problems (Literature + Lectures), incl. glossary(!) Très apprécié
  • Prevention of Mental Health Problems (Literature + Lectures), incl. glossary(!)

  • Resume • 37 pages • 2025
  • Summary of the mandatory literature: Arango et al (2018) Preventive strategies for mental health McDaid & Wahlbeck (2019) The economic case for the prevention of mental illness Munoz et al (2010) Prevention of major depression. Cuijpers et al (2021) Psychological interventions to prevent the onset of depressive disorders Cuijpers et al (2021) Indirect Prevention and Treatment of Depression Solmi et al (2021) Risk and protective factors for alcohol and tobacco related disorders Pros...
  • ImaraSem
  • €7,39
  • 4x vendu
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Summary Economic Development, 13th edition, and lecture notes  for the course Global Development Studies, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Summary Economic Development, 13th edition, and lecture notes  for the course Global Development Studies, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
  • Summary Economic Development, 13th edition, and lecture notes for the course Global Development Studies, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

  • Resume • 53 pages • 2023
  • This document contains lecture notes and a summary of the prescribed text from the study book Economic Development (13th edition) for the course Global Development Studies. This course is part of the minor Development Studies at the University of Groningen.
  • lies2642
  • €2,99
  • 6x vendu
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International Development Notes on *SOME* Readings - GRADE 7,5
  • International Development Notes on *SOME* Readings - GRADE 7,5

  • Resume • 35 pages • 2023
  • Summary of *SOME* of the reading materials for the final exam (2023) for International Development. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 35 pages): Amartya Sen’s book (1999) “Development as Freedom”, chapters 1 and 2. Wolfgang Sachs’ book (2010) “The Development Dictionary”, Introduction. Ricardo Hausmann’s journal article (2001) “Prisoners of Geography”, pp. 44-53. Michael Ross’ journal article review (1999) “The Political Economy of the Resource Curse”, pp. 297-322. ...
  • giacomoef
  • €10,49
  • 10x vendu
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Economic development: Finally what you were looking for: all-in-one document including the summaries and cue-cards for all lectures and all the 11 papers for this course!
  • Economic development: Finally what you were looking for: all-in-one document including the summaries and cue-cards for all lectures and all the 11 papers for this course!

  • Resume • 89 pages • 2023
  • This document was carefully made for students who want to have an excellent grade for this course. In addition to summarizing the 252 pages of the 11 papers, this summary summarizes all lectures and provides cue-cards for self-study. The document has a 'Cornell' layout, meaning that it includes: - cue-cards on the left panel - main notes on the right panel (main panel) - concise summaries on the bottom panel of each section The cue-cards include a set of simple abbreviations (e.g.: W...
  • franciscobotero
  • €14,99
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Complete summary - Economic Globalisation
  • Complete summary - Economic Globalisation

  • Resume • 108 pages • 2024 Très apprécié
  • Complete summary of all 11 chapters, with some additional elaboration and examples to make it more clear and cohesive.
  • DeSamenvattendeMan
  • €9,49
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Performance management 2022/2023
  • Performance management 2022/2023

  • Resume • 36 pages • 2023
  • Alle artikelen 2022/2023 §1.1 Article 1: Caprini J., Parker, S., & Griffin M., (2017). – A look back and a leap forward: A review and synthesis of the individual work performance literature. §1.2 Article 2: Cascio, W.F. (2006). – The economic impact of employee behaviors on organizational performance. §1.3 Article 3: Lievens. F., Schapers, P., & Amp; Herde, C.N. (2020). – Performance Management – Que Vadis? Week 2: Performance Management and Feedback and Feedforward (5 articl...
  • mereldubbeldam
  • €10,49
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Summary of required literature: Sustainability and Societal Transformations (MAN-MESS01)
  • Summary of required literature: Sustainability and Societal Transformations (MAN-MESS01)

  • Resume • 46 pages • 2022
  • The summary includes the following literature pieces: 1. Hopwood (2005) Sustainable development: mapping different approaches 2. Robinson (2003) Squaring the circle? Some thoughts on the idea of sustainable development 3. Raworth; A safe and just space for humanity: can we live within the doughnut? 4. Dobson (1996) An analysis and a typology 5. Diaz et al. (2015): The IPBES conceptual framework 6. Moon et al.: A guide to understanding social science 7. Vis...
  • jennasanders175
  • €4,99
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Institutional Perspectives: Summary of the Literature
  • Institutional Perspectives: Summary of the Literature

  • Resume • 55 pages • 2022
  • In the summary, the following articles are included: 1. Rhodes (2012) Waves of Governance 2. Stoker (2019) Governance as theory: five propositions 3. Steurer (2013) Distangling governance: a synoptic view of regulation by government, business and civil society. 4. Alexander (2002) The public interest in planning: from legitimation to substantive plan evaluation 5. Beer, Bartley & Roberts (2012) NGOS: Between advocacy, service provision and regulation 6. Middlemiss & Parrish (2010) Buildi...
  • jennasanders175
  • €4,49
  • 21x vendu
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Literature summary Urban Networks
  • Literature summary Urban Networks

  • Resume • 43 pages • 2022
  • A summary of the following literature pieces: 1. Banister (2001) Transport investment and the promotion of economic growth 2. Handy (2002) Accessibility vs mobility – enhancing strategies for addressing automobile dependence in the US 3. Geurs (2004) Accessibility evaluation of land-use and transport strategies: review and research directions. 4. Handy (2005) Planning for accessibility: in theory and in practice. 5. Meyer (1999) Demand management as an element...
  • jennasanders175
  • €4,49
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Theories on Innovative and Sustainable Regions (GEO2-7012) Uitgebreide samenvatting boek: Dynamics in Economic Geography Theories on Innovative and Sustainable Regions (GEO2-7012) Uitgebreide samenvatting boek: Dynamics in Economic Geography
  • Theories on Innovative and Sustainable Regions (GEO2-7012) Uitgebreide samenvatting boek: Dynamics in Economic Geography

  • Resume • 16 pages • 2022
  • Nederlandse samenvatting van het boek "Dynamics in Economic Geography. Changing Views on Industrial Locations and Regional Development" van: Atzema, Rietbergen, Lambooy en Hoof (2014). Alleen de delen die we moeten leren voor het tentamen zijn behandeld: Chapter 3, sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, chapter 5, section 6.5, chapter 8, sections 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 Sommige termen zijn ook in het Engels om verwarring op het tentamen te voorkomen :) Succes met leren!
  • geaneymarissen
  • €3,99
  • 9x vendu
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