Ethical frameworks - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés

Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Ethical frameworks ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 4 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Ethical frameworks.

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OHIO NHA |Nursing Home Administrator|  Practice Exam (100% Correct) |Verified|  Already Passed!!
  • OHIO NHA |Nursing Home Administrator| Practice Exam (100% Correct) |Verified| Already Passed!!

  • Examen • 37 pages • 2024
  • OHIO NHA |Nursing Home Administrator| Practice Exam (100% Correct) |Verified| Already Passed!! What are the critical components of a comprehensive risk management program in a nursing home? A comprehensive risk management program includes identifying potential risks, implementing preventive measures, monitoring incidents, and continuously evaluating and improving safety protocols. Discuss the ethical considerations that Nursing Home Administrators must address when implementing d...
  • StellarGrades
  • €9,29
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Summary  Ethics (E_IBA3_ETH)
  • Summary Ethics (E_IBA3_ETH)

  • Resume • 17 pages • 2023
  • An ethics summary provides a comprehensive overview of key ethical principles, theories, and frameworks that are relevant to various fields and professions. The summary covers topics such as normative ethics, applied ethics, meta-ethics, and moral reasoning. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and applying ethical principles and values to guide decision-making, behavior, and relationships in different contexts, such as business, healthcare, education, and social justice. The ethics ...
  • antonievbeek
  • €6,10
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Samenvatting Artikel McDougall en Notini: Overriding parents medical decisions for their children: a systematic review of normative literature
  • Samenvatting Artikel McDougall en Notini: Overriding parents medical decisions for their children: a systematic review of normative literature

  • Resume • 3 pages • 2021
  • Deze samenvatting gaat over het artikel van McDougall en Notini: Overriding parents medical decisions for their children: a systematic review of normative literature. Dit artikel is tentamenstof voor het vak: In the best interest of the child van de master orthopedagogiek van de RUG.
  • hoogeveendian
  • €2,99
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Summary Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability
  • Summary Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability

  • Resume • 32 pages • 2022
  • In this document you will find: the materials of the slides, the reality checks and the readings of the handbook. This summary will save you a lot of time on the exam and you won't have to go back and find everything in the books. I had achieved distinction on this subject. My advice: read everything thoroughly and make links.
  • celienrubbrecht1
  • €11,19
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