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Samenvatting (uitgebreid) alle hoorcolleges Beleid III - 2024
- Resume • 45 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €16,99
- 5x vendu
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Samenvatting hoorcolleges Beleid III - 2024 
Overzicht onderwerpen van de hoorcolleges: 
Hoorcollege 1: wat is beleidsevaluatieonderzoek? 
Hoorcollege 2: beleid ontleed 
Hoorcollege 3: methoden beleidsevaluatie 
Hoorcollege 4: falend beleid 
Hoorcollege 5: kennis voor beleid 
Hoorcollege 6: beleidsverandering 
Hoorcollege 7: gastcollege 
Samenvatting bevat uitleg en ook voorbeelden van de stof.
Beleid voordeelbundel
Hoorcolleges uitgebreid samengevat van beleid 2 & 3
Zeer uitgebreid en met voorbeelden etc.
Aantekeningen van de eerste 6 hoorcolleges van Chinese religie en filosofie

Academic Summary 1, Security Studies (And the end of the Cold War, Baldwin))
- Resume • 4 pages • 2023
- €5,98
- 2x vendu
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This document is an academic summary, a paper made in the first year of the Bachelor Security Studies. The summary is about an article, written by David A. Baldwin, named: 'Security Studies and the end of the Cold War'

AWP Lecture Notes (My Exam Grade: 8.5)
- Notes de cours • 60 pages • 2023
- €8,39
- 1x vendu
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This document holds precise and well-taken lecture notes of the course Actors in World Politics, given by Dr. Ragazzi in the first year of 2022/2023. IT ALSO contains ALL practice exam questions AND answers given by Dr. Ragazzi during the lectures spread out over the whole block. 
Good luck with studying!

Thesis scriptie voorbeeld Alzheimers and Dementia year 4 - Improving communication with client and caregiver - Literary and practical review - The Hague College The Netherlands 2024 - Grade 7.4
- These • 52 pages • 2025
- €10,66
- + en savoir plus
This is a very complete 4th year thesis regarding the way communication can be improved between Alzheimer clients and their caregivers. Both family members and professionals. Alzheimers en dementia are unused interchangeably. The literary review explains each step of the disease in great detail, saving you enormous research time. Secondly, the practical research shows you the opinions of care professionals and relatives. All appendixes are present with interviews and results, again a huge time s...

Thesis Marketing Communication Plan Event Company COMPLETE 2024 - 30% increase in brand preference 48 months - a complete internal & external study - Grade 8.4
- These • 53 pages • 2025
- €11,16
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This is a comprehensive thesis from The Hague Hogeschool The Netherlands 2024. Subject: how can an event company reach its target audience as effectively as possible? Therefore, a marketing communication plan was designed. Please look into the contents table as its too much to describe here. It's totally complete with both literary and practical reviews. In short: after exhaustive internal and external analysis, several suggestions are made to realize the objective. All appendices are there o...

Samenvatting Social Research Methods: Pearson International Edition - Inleiding Sociaal Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (6451413Y)
- Resume • 62 pages • 2024
- €6,18
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Een samenvatting van al het leesstof van Bestuurskunde Leiden Universiteit in Den Haag voor Inleiding Sociaal Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (ISWO) van het eerste jaar (2024)

Samenvatting economie van de publieke sector
- Resume • 75 pages • 2020
- €8,99
- 45x vendu
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Hi! Deze samenvatting bevat alle stof voor het tentamen van economie van de publieke sector. Het bevat hoofdstukken 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 12, H20 + aanvullende literatuur, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H21 + aanvullende literatuur 2 + 3, H22 van het boek Public Finance (Harvey S. Rosen & Ted Gayer).

Readings Notes For IRO Course: International Law and Human Rights (Leiden University)
- Notes de cours • 67 pages • 2022
- €15,49
- + en savoir plus
100+ Pages of notes for the courses readings so you dont have to! The notes are very detailed!

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