Motor cortex - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Motor cortex ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 15 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Motor cortex.
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Summary of powerpoints and additional information. I obtained a 18/20.

Alle uitgewerkte leerdoelen voor tentamen 2
- Resume • 51 pages • 2023
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- €10,00
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In dit document zijn alle leerdoelen uitgebreid uitgewerkt. Het bestand geeft een heel goed overzicht van de stof die geleerd moet worden. Alle leerdoelen van de hoorcolleges zijn uitgewerkt en ook die van de werkcolleges.
Samenvatting van neurofysiologie op basis van de powerpoint en uitleg in de les

Chapter 24: Neurologic System Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 8th Edition by Carolyn Jarvis
- Examen • 22 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €4,17
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Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 8th Edition by Carolyn Jarvis 
1.	The two parts of thenervous system are the: 
a.	Motor and sensory. 
b.	Central and peripheral. 
c.	Peripheral and autonomic. 
d.	Hypothalamus and cerebral. 
The nervous system can be divided into two partscentral and peripheral. thecentral nervous system includes thebrain and spinal cord. theperipheral nervous system includes the12 pairs of cranial nerves (CNs), the31 pairs of spinal ...

Summary of all IPN3012 Action cases - including learning goals, essential readings materials, and case questions
- Resume • 141 pages • 2023
- €10,49
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Summary of all cases, including Cortical voluntary motor control, Cognition, Basal ganglia (again), Reward, Success, failure, and the cerebral cortex, Error monitoring, Adding affect, Trying to make it work.
jaar 1 semester 2 thema 8 degeneratie colleges RUG 21/22

Neurosciences year 1 - From Molecule to Mind (AM_1275) - summary lectures Neuroanatomy, including handwritten schematics
- Notes de cours • 40 pages • 2022
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- €7,99
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Summary of lecture notes of the course From Molecule to Mind (AM_1275), the part on Neuroanatomy, from the master Neuroscience at VU Amsterdam. This is a VERY extensive summary on the neuroanatomy, including handwritten schematics on anatomy systems of the brain (motor systems, etc.)

14. Parkinsons disease is caused by loss of dopaminergic neurons of
- Examen • 1 pages • 2023
- €6,49
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14. Parkinson's disease is caused by loss of dopaminergic neurons of the A. Cerebellum B. 
Basal ganglia (nuclei) C. Brainstem D. Primary motor cortex E. Thalamus 15. "Dual 
innervation" refers to an organ receiving A. two nerves from the spinal cord B. both autonomic 
and somatic neurons C. both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons D. both spinal and cranial 
nerves E. none of the above 16. Effector organs of the autonomic nervous system include all of 
the following except A. Heart...
Samenvatting met afbeeldingen en verloop van alle banen van Neuroanatomie 2

Summary of all terms and definitions from The Student's Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience by Jamie Ward, Third Edition
- Resume • 15 pages • 2021
- €2,99
- 5x vendu
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This document contains all terms and definitions from chapters 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, and 16. You can use it to make flashcards or to study for you exams. It could even be handy for just having on your computer while getting through the book so you can seek out the definitions of terms very easily.

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