Quality control - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
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Summary/notes of Operations Management 9th/10th edition by Slack and Brandon-Jones
- Resume • 36 pages • 2024
- €21,39
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The document I am offering is a comprehensive set of study notes for the Operations Management course, crafted to aid students in mastering key concepts and theories. This document covers 11 essential chapters such as process analysis, supply chain management, inventory control, quality management, and production planning. Each section is clearly organized, with detailed explanations, diagrams. Additionally, the notes include summaries and key concepts. Ideal for quick revision and or learning, ...

- Examen • 21 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €12,81
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A patient care tech is caring for a patient who has died which of the following actions should the tech take 
Secure any of the patients valuables, including rings, watches, or money for delivery to the patient's family 
Which of the following actions should a patient care technician take when discharging a patient 
Escort the patient using a wheelchair 
A patient care tech is in the cafeteria during lunch and she's a visitor that appears to be cho...

Uitgebreide samenvatting Quality Control
- Resume • 43 pages • 2023
- Disponible en pack
- €5,89
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In het derde jaar van de opleiding Bedrijfsmanagement KMO worden de lessen ERP & Quality control gegeven. Dit is een uitgebreide transcriptie/ samenvatting van alle LinkedIn Learning video's. Deze samenvatting studeren zou moeten volstaan om met een hoge score te slagen voor het Quality Control gedeelte van dit vak. Bovendien verkoop ik ook de samenvattingen van het gedeelte ERP. De combinatie van deze samenvattingen zorgt ervoor dat je alle leerstof makkelijk onder de knie krijgt.

Uitgebreide samenvatting ERP & Quality Control
- Pack • 2 éléments • 2023
- €8,99
- 4x vendu
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In het derde jaar van de opleiding Bedrijfsmanagement KMO worden de lessen ERP & Quality control gegeven. Dit is een uitgebreide samenvatting van zowel de lessen, de PowerPoints, het boek als de LinkedIn Learning filmpjes. Deze samenvatting studeren zou moeten volstaan om met een hoge score te slagen voor dit vak.

Auditing Theory Nyenrode overzichtelijke samenvatting
- Resume • 61 pages • 2023
- €3,49
- 3x vendu
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Deze overzichtelijke uitgebreide samenvatting bevat de volgende artikelen: 
- Simunic - The Pricing of Audit Sevices: Theory and evidence 1980 
- DeAngelo - Auditor size and audit quality 
- Knechel et al. - Audit quality, insights form the academic literature 2013 
- IAASB - A framwork for Audit Quality 
- Peecher, Solomon, Trotman - An accountability framework for financial statement auditors 2013 
- Whitepaper - Controlekwaliteit 
- Van Buuren - Controlekwaliteit blijft een belevenis 2015 
- ...

VOLLEDIGE SAMENVATTING - QUALITY MANAGEMENT - 19/20 - Professor Jannik Matuschke - 2022-2023
- Resume • 57 pages • 2023
- €8,89
- 6x vendu
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Ik heb enkel aan de hand van deze samenvatting geleerd en heb hiermee 19/20 kunnen scoren. 
In deze samenvatting vind je: 
- alles wat je moet kennen 
- notities van de lessen 
- gestructureerde uitleg + kleurencode 
deze samenvatting in combinatie met het maken van alle oefeningen die de professor aanbiedt is de sleutel tot succes. 
*in deze samenvatting wordt een combinatie van engels en nederlands gebruikt, aangezien de lessen in het engels zijn, maar ik extra uitleg wel in he...

Summary of the papers for Corporate Reporting 2023
- Resume • 31 pages • 2023
- €6,49
- 7x vendu
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In this summary the following papers/ chapters are summarized: 
Ghio, A. and R., Verona (2020). Chapters 1-3. The Evolution of Corporate Disclosure Insights on Traditional and Modern Corporate Communication, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, 
Graham, J.R., C.R. Harvey and S. Rajgopal (2005). The Economic Implications of Corporate Financial Reporting, Journal of Accounting and Economics 40, 3–73, https://doi:10.1016/co.2005.01.002 
Glazerman and Cohen (2020). “Non-Financial” Is a Misnom...

Summary Food Quality Management (FQD-20306)
- Resume • 87 pages • 2023
- €9,99
- 4x vendu
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This summary was written in the academic year . It is based on the book, lectures and assignments. The book referenced to in the lectures is: Food Quality Management 2020 edition by Luning and Marcelis. Grade achieved: 7 
Topics covered in the summary: 
- Chapter 1-9 from the book Food Quality Management. 
- Notes from all lectures. 
- Effective problem-solving (necessary for open questions in the exam). 
- The models you have to know by heart (for the open questions). 
Grade: 7

Advanced Neuropsychology | Full Lecture Notes | Utrecht University | A+ Study Notes
- Notes de cours • 44 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €8,99
- 6x vendu
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University: Utrecht University 
Course: Advanced Neuropsychology 
This document provides comprehensive exam summaries covering essential neuropsychology topics, including: 
- Perception and visual processing disorders such as agnosia, prosopagnosia, and visual pathways 
- Attention and executive functions, including neglect syndrome, ADHD, and cognitive control 
- Memory systems and disorders, featuring case studies of HM, Jon, and episodic vs semantic memory 
- Neuroplasticity and brain adapt...

The Licensing Exam Review Guide in Nursing Home Administration (Human Resources) Questions and Answers 100% Pass
- Examen • 25 pages • 2025
Disponible en pack
- €11,86
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The Licensing Exam Review Guide in Nursing 
Home Administration (Human Resources) 
Questions and Answers 100% Pass 
One practical reason the administrator must rely more and more on the 
expertise of department heads is ____________. (p108) - Requirements 
are too numerous for one person to remember 
One over reaching consideration in deciding at what level, that is, the 
number of nursing hours per patient day, to staff the facility is 
____________. (p108) - Medical complexity of care given 

- Examen • 16 pages • 2025
- €12,81
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QUESTION: 10 Characteristics of the U.S. Health Care system 
Ans: 1. No central agency governs the system 
2. Access to health care services is selectively based on insurance coverage 
3. Health care is delivered under imperfect market conditions 
4. Insurers from a third party act as intermediaries between the financing and 
delivery functions 
5. The existence of multiple payers makes the system cumbersome 
6. The balance of power among various players prevents any single entity from 

Samenvatting Auditing and Accounting Information Systems
- Resume • 65 pages • 2023
- €9,99
- 1x vendu
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Deze samenvatting omvat alle colleges van het vak Auditing and Accounting Information Systems. Het vak kan enigszins abstract zijn indien je geen werkervaring hebt in de audit scene. Door deze samenvatting ben je in staat om je daarom volledig op de inhoud van de colleges te storten. Tevens is deze samenvatting in het Nederlands i.t.t. de colleges, wat kan bijdragen aan het begrip.

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