World politics since 1989 - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur World politics since 1989 ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 4 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour World politics since 1989.
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complete summary Contemporary Issues in International Politics
- Resume • 90 pages • 2023
- Disponible en pack
- €12,99
- 3x vendu
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A complete summary of Contemporary Issues in International Politics, the entire book is summarised in a structured document in order to prepare for the exam. The course is taught at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Contemporary Issues in International Politics; Summary
- Resume • 126 pages • 2023
- €15,39
- 2x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This is a very extensive summary of the book "World Politics Since 1989". The summary is organized in bulletpoints and follows the framework of the book. Best of Luck!

Summary Contemporary Issues in International Politics
- Resume • 146 pages • 2023
- €20,49
- + en savoir plus
Summary Contemporary Issues in International Politics: 
Class notes, manual World Politics since 1989, slides,... 
Exam results = 17/20

Hoorcolleges Nederlandse Geschiedenis/Lectures Dutch History
- Notes de cours • 60 pages • 2019
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- 3x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Provides an overview of Dutch history from Late Antiquity to the present day, and is based on textbooks and lectures. The course focuses on political and administrative processes, and social-economic, religious and cultural developments. Separate attention will be paid to the economic and social developments since 1795. Lectures given by dr. Koopmans.

Lecture 1: Introduction in Dutch History, Roman Times and Early Medieval History,
Lecture 2: Coun(r)ies, Cities and the Church during the High Mi...

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