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Cross-Cultural Communication - Summary T1 & T2
this summary contains the topics : What is culture?, Hofstede model of six dimensions, Cognitive Bias, TedTalk : The opposite of your assumptions are also true – Derek Sivers , TedTalk – Taiye Selasi : Don't ask where I'm from, ask where I'm a local, Building intercultural or diversity competence,Erin Meyer : Culture Map, model of Edward and Mildred Hall, model of Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck,Model of Dingemans & Janssen, TedTalk - Piotr Pluta : Intercultural guide to humour,...
- Resume
- • 34 pages •
this summary contains the topics : What is culture?, Hofstede model of six dimensions, Cognitive Bias, TedTalk : The opposite of your assumptions are also true – Derek Sivers , TedTalk – Taiye Selasi : Don't ask where I'm from, ask where I'm a local, Building intercultural or diversity competence,Erin Meyer : Culture Map, model of Edward and Mildred Hall, model of Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck,Model of Dingemans & Janssen, TedTalk - Piotr Pluta : Intercultural guide to humour,...