

Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur mereltramper.


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5 Avis reçus

    1 année de cela clairesegijn

    alle oefenvragen theorie fysiologie B

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    Nice to interview yourself in a different way! However, if you sell documents to fellow students, I think they should also be 100% good. There are many typing and sentence structure errors in theory errors as well (e.g. Leroy H19 mammary gland is insulin independent). So I recommend improving them a bit more for the fellow student:)

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    Par: mereltramper • 1 année de cela

    Hi, thanks for your feedback! Too bad to hear about the theory error. Of course, they will be solved immediately. When it comes to sentence structure: that's kind of my way of learning, briefly naming all the important things. Especially because physiology is multiple-choice questions and is therefore about “knowing/recognizing”. I still hope my summary helped you before your exam:)

    1 année de cela mayadorrin

    theorievragen Biochemie van de huisdieren II

    1 année de cela evavannieuwkoop

    theorievragen Fysiologie B Bols

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    Very nice guide for getting through the lessons; I passed the exam with it. My feedback would be to correct the misspellings and sentence structure, and for the bundle price, it would also be great if characters could be added to the flashcards for completeness:).

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    Par: mereltramper • 1 année de cela

    Glad you passed your exam with it:) Thanks for your feedback.

    1 année de cela evavannieuwkoop

    oefenvragen Fysiologie B Marei

    1 année de cela evavannieuwkoop

    oefenvragen Fysiologie B Leroy

21 éléments

Samenvatting ethologie van de huisdieren volledig

0x  vendu

Dit document is opgedeeld in 16 hoofdstukken. Aan het begin zijn een paar tips en een kort overzicht gegeven. Verder kom je in dikgedrukte letters de hoofdstukken en titels tegen. Er zijn geen pagina nummers dus gebruik ctrlF "hoofdstuk" om te oriënteren.

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  • Resume
  •  • 74 pages • 
  • par mereltramper • 
  • publié  2022
Aperçu Rapide
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