
Communicatiemanagement + Overheidsmanagement en -beleid

PXL Professionele Bachelor in het Communicatiemanagement: 2015 - 2018

KUL Schakelprogramma Overheidsmanagement en -beleid: 2018 - 2019

KUL Master in het Overheidsmanagement en -beleid: 2019 - 2020

KUL Educatieve Master in de Maatschappijwetenschappen: 2020 - 2021


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20 Avis reçus

    3 année de cela anataliakibonge

    Notities vergelijkende politiek

    4 année de cela brianplevoets

    Notities politieke sociologie

    5 année de cela michelepauls

    Samenvatting PR

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    Par: studente1997 • 5 année de cela

    Hey, Michele! Can you give some feedback on your review? Too bad you didn't like the summary!

    5 année de cela anataliakibonge

    Notities vergelijkende politiek

    Review Writer Avatar

    Par: studente1997 • 5 année de cela

    Hey, Anatalia! Can you give me some feedback on the summary? After all, the document contains all the information from the PPTs, supplemented with notes from the lessons and documents from the handbook. I only learned this document during the exam and got a good point, so suppose it should normally be sufficient... Thank you in advance!

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