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What is ambition? Explanation and step-by-step plan

These days, everyone seems to be full of ambition or have their lives all mapped out. You probably know someone who is already working on master's degree number two or have a friend who is only interested in his or her career. Yet there is nothing wrong with being ambitious: it is good to think about what you would like to achieve in the future. But what is ambition and how do you find out what your ambitions are? Stuvia has a step-by-step plan for you to find out what your ambitions are, including several ambition examples.

What is the meaning of ambition?

Ambition is the inner drive to achieve a specific goal. This does not just have to be a work-related goal, but it can also be about buying your dream car, achieving a goal in the gym, or moving abroad. However, the ambition you want to achieve must be personal and is always an improvement to your current situation.  

The word ambition originates from ancient times, from the Latin word 'ambitio' which literally translated means 'to compete for office'. In these times, ambitious people were seen as honor-seeking people who wanted nothing more than to make a career. Today, fortunately, the meaning of being ambitious is seen much more broadly: in fact, having ambition nowadays can also be about dreams and future plans in your private life.

Ambition: Step-by-step plan

Now that you know what the meaning of ambition is, it is time to think about what your ambitions are. With the following step-by-step plan, we would like to help you figure out your personal ambitions.

Step 1: Make a mind map with your ambitions

Do you ever have a random brainwave wherein your ambitions suddenly become completely clear? If so, please make use of such a moment and take the time to write down these ideas in a mind map. After all, spontaneous brainwaves are closest to your own feelings and, therefore, what your real personal ambitions are. In addition, you can always supplement the mind map with your talents, personal interests, dreams, and plans for the future.

Step 2: Ask for feedback from the people around you

Go and ask your friends, family, or other important people around you for feedback. After all, they know you best and can therefore also give good advice on whether your ambitions are achievable or just a little too ambitious. They can also complement your talents where necessary.

Step 3: Prioritise your ambitions

Now that you have created the mind map and received feedback, it is time to prioritize. Which ambitions do you want to achieve first and take priority over the rest? For example, it might be useful to work towards that sought-after work promotion first, before looking at a new place to live.

Step 4: Make your ambitions tangible by setting learning objectives

Now you know which ambition has the highest priority, it is time to formulate a SMART learning goal. This will make working on your ambition tangible, easier, and faster. It can also give you direction when you get stuck for a while, which in turn provides motivation and enthusiasm in due course. Failing to set SMART learning goals is a missed opportunity. You can also choose to make a personal development plan (PDP).

Step 5: Identify possible objections or pitfalls

Think about what is stopping you from fulfilling your ambitions or where any pitfalls lie. After all, good preparation is half the battle. By thinking about a solution in advance, you avoid disappointment in achieving your ambitions.

Ambition examples

Still finding it difficult to define your personal ambitions? We have several personal ambition examples to make it just a little bit easier for you. We have listed small and big ambitions for you.

  • Exam → "I want to write a summary for my exam so that I absorb the study material better and pass my exam. This is the first step towards getting my degree and continuing my studies";
  • Future job → "After finishing my degree, I want to work for an organization that reflects my personal talents. I, therefore, would like to further develop my talent for organizing and my people skills";
  • Work promotion → "During my work, I am often taking the initiative and manage teams of colleagues. I, therefore, want to be promoted to a team leader position within two years";
  • Writing → "In the coming months, I want to gain more knowledge about writing texts and using these texts to touch people emotionally. To achieve this, I am going to take a course that will take my writing skills to the next level".

If you have the motivation to achieve a certain goal and it is an improvement to your current situation, then you have found your personal ambition.

Are you ambitious and do you always write the best summaries? You can easily and quickly sell your summary on Stuvia. That way, you can earn some extra money and help your fellow students learn at the same time.