OE31 Exportbeleidsplan
Een exportplan in opdracht voor HelloFresh
Hogeschool Inholland Haarlem, Business Studies | 12 januari 2020
Thom Brouwer
Geena de Hoop
Tessa de Lange
Sam Longhurst
Okan Topuz
, OE31 Exportbeleidsplan
Een exportplan in opdracht voor HelloFresh
Hogeschool Inholland Haarlem, Business Studies | Januari 2020 |
Beoordelend docent: Dhr. G. Douven
Thom Brouwer - 625591
Geena de Hoop - 627980
Tessa de Lange - 630549
Sam Longhurst - 633781
Okan Topuz – 633411
Klas: HABSVT2C, groep 1
2 OE31 Exportbeleidsplan
In het kader van de opleiding Business Studies, leerjaar 2, semester 1, hebben wij de opdracht
gekregen om een exportbeleidsplan op te stellen voor een onderneming uit het midden- en
kleinbedrijf dat wil exporteren naar een Europees land. De gekozen onderneming is HelloFresh.
Het werken aan het exportbeleidsplan gaat in vijf stappen die over drie fasen zijn verdeeld. Fase één
staat in het teken van het besluit om te exporteren/internationaliseren en de landenselectie. Welk
land is het meest geschikt voor de export? In de tweede fase adviseren wij de onderneming over de
meest geschikte entreestrategie. Het exportbeleidsplan wordt afgerond in de derde fase waarin de
onderneming geadviseerd wordt hoe de entreestrategie te operationaliseren, te controleren en te
coördineren. Tot slot zal een Engelse presentatie worden gegeven.
Speciaal willen wij ons begeleidend docent Dhr. Douven bedanken voor de leerzame bijeenkomsten,
de goede tips en de tijd die hij tijdens dit project in ons heeft gestoken. Verder willen wij graag de
docenten bedanken van de marketinglessen en de lessen professionele vaardigheden. Tot slot gaat
onze dank ook uit naar vrienden, familie, kennissen en andere docenten voor de steun en hulp
tijdens dit project.
Wij wensen u veel leesplezier toe!
Thom Brouwer, Geena de Hoop, Tessa de Lange, Sam Longhurst en Okan Topuz
Haarlem, januari 2020
3 OE31 Exportbeleidsplan
, Executive Summary
This report includes an export plan for the company HelloFresh. Firstly, the company profile and
mission are described, followed by a DESTEP analysis of three Scandinavian countries, Denmark,
Norway and Sweden. A country will be chosen which fits best for HelloFresh to expand their business
activities to. The following chapter includes research to determine which market entry strategy is
most suitable for HelloFresh when expanding their business to a Scandinavian country. The following
chapter contains the design of the international marketing strategy in the foreign country
accompanied by the implementation and coordinating of this international marketing strategy. The
last aspect of the report is the conclusion and recommendations.
Denmark, Norway and Sweden have been researched and Denmark is the best fit for HelloFresh. This
is because Denmark has a very high density of population, which makes it easy for HelloFresh to
transport their meal boxes to customers. The market entry strategy is the next item in the report.
Various market entry strategies have been analysed and compared, which leads to the conclusion
that Region centres are the best option for HelloFresh. Region centres are local headquarters. From
these locations HelloFresh can control all the business activities. Furthermore, it is beneficial for
HelloFresh if they would use ERP-systems in their distribution centres. ERP stands for enterprise
resource planning and is used to maximise production and to lower expenses. The system works as
follows; the customers order their meal boxes and depending on the orders, HelloFresh purchases
the ingredients from the supplier. The ERP-system connects and automates the logistic,
administrative and financial processes of the company.
The design of the international marketing strategy is described in chapter 9. The target group for
HelloFresh consists of people who work hard and have little to no time to do the groceries. Because
the meal boxes are relatively expensive it is favourable to target the middle class and the upper class.
Various objectives have been set, e.g. increasing brand awareness, creating the image of quality and
being user friendly. The mission and vision of HelloFresh will remain the same in Denmark as in the
Netherlands. The mission is ‘’Change the way people eat forever’’ and the vision is ‘’to let people
enjoy healthy and tasty meals in a carefree manner”. Another objective is to reach 1 million
customers through advertising which should translate to an expected revenue of €20 million. This
means HelloFresh would sell 500.000 meal boxes. The Region centres will take 6 months to build and
the payback period of the initial investment of €26.336.500 will be three years. In the fourth
year, the investment will become profitable. HelloFresh will need to take into account the payback
period of the investment.
In conclusion it is beneficial for HelloFresh to enter into the Scandinavian market by implementing
Region centres in Denmark and to advertise and increase brand awareness by using social media as a
marketing strategy. This will lead to the successful entry into the Scandinavian market.
4 OE31 Exportbeleidsplan