Marketing Communication
EV Nov 4 (04/11/2020)
The best known form of marketing communication is advertising, like a billboard on times
square. But a Walter White with a coke in his hand or a James Bond ordering a Heineken is
marketing communication too, also called brand placement.
Communication is one of the four elements of marketing (=promotion)
1. Product: the concept or design
2. Price: €9,99 or €10 is quite a difference
3. Place: location, such as online / offline
4. Promotion: all means a company uses to promote brands/products
Corporate communication is the management instrument to coordinate internal and external
communication in such a way that allows for an organisation to acquire and retain the
desired reputation with the most important target groups / stakeholders. The main focus is on
creating image and attitude towards the organisation.
Marketing communication is mainly directed to the outside, target groups and stakeholders. It
is mainly aimed at improving people's attitude towards products of brands but not necessarily
the company.
A difference between advertising and public relations is in paying for exposure. A feature of
PR is that the message is not paid for or written by the company.
Integrated communication leads to consistency and synergy.
CIM #1 (Nov 4)
, 1. Marketing is a very broad discipline. consists of more than just communication.
The distinction was necessary
2. Yes they should. Because you always have different target groups.
3. It is quite cheap, but if you do it with 100 people then it is more expensive.
4. Like in France, vous and je. In Sweden it used to be very insulting to use the old
form of you. Typical crosscultural marketing effect. Ikea everything is with du (jij)
5. Look up
6. Difficult one
*Not really clear
Ch4 EV2 Objectives
DAGMAR model: the purple words are the cognitive and affective effects and need to be
achieved prior to purchase. In blue you see behavioural and commercial effects. Behavioural
effectiveness is what a company strives for. That you buy their product and keep doing so.
, However, this is never reached by one message or just one exposure, multiple exposures is
necessary. When somebody buys a product it not only depends on promotion, but also on
price, place, etc. So commercial effectiveness like purchase should never be the only goal of
the marketing communication method. Process objectives give the most direct
Category need: to create a need or want in the consumer, it focuses on product categories
The best objective depends on how and where the product decision is made. Recall is also
called top of mind awareness. It’s when you type in the brand name yourself in Google for
example. You can stimulate recall by repetition of the association between the category and
the brand is necessary. Slogans are a good way to do so.
If you make the decision on the point of purchase or in an environment like a bar or store,
recognition is more relevant. To stimulate the brand name you show the logo and brand
name in communications in exactly the same format, style, logo, font as in the advertisement
(also why radio is less suitable)
Brand attitude: perceived value of brand to the consumer. Where explicit attitude is the
desirability of the outcomes of buying the product and the implicit attitude is the association
of the product with positive feelings
CIM #2 (Nov 9)
Share of Market (SOM): how much of the potential customers purchase our brand divided
by the number of sales in the market as a whole. It is a mathematical ratio to indicate how
well in terms of sales your brand is doing.
Share of Voice: measure of the market your brand owns compared to your competitors. It
acts as a gauge for your brand visibility and how much you dominate the conversation in
your industry. → You have to find the balance in this, for budgeting.
Ch2 EV1 Branding
Mainly clarification of Chapter 2
Brand schema: a cluster of knowledge, emotions and experiences that are connected in the
associative network around the brand.
- brand name (differentiated, recognisable, easy to remember)
- Logo
- Unique design (product and packaging)
- Trade mark (so you can’t copy the logo)
- Advertising (brand image, TOMA: top of mind awareness)
Brands that have ideal TOMA are: Kleenex, Fanta, Google, Post-It. You say can I have a
Kleenex, Fanta or Post-It instead of tissue, sparkling orange juice or sticky note.