PPLE, Rechtsgeleerdheid & vwo samenvattingen
Hoi! Ik heb op het vwo jarenlang samenvattingen voor mezelf gemaakt. Nu blijkt dat ik via Stuvia anderen ook daarmee kan helpen, doe ik dat graag, terwijl ik daar dan een klein zakcentje van kan verdienen. Daarnaast studeer ik PPLE (politics, psychology, law, economics), rechtsgeleerdheid en sociologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
- 54
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622 Ontvangen beoordelingen
63 items
Public International Law (Henriksen) Mindmap
Concerning the book International Law of Anders Henriksen for courses on public international law, including topics such as:

International Court of Justice (including relevant cases) / Legal sources of international law / United Nations / Critical approaches to international law / Legal realism / International Human Rights Law / The Right to Self-Determination / The Montevideo Treaty / The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT)

Case law includes:

ECtHR Handyside v. UK
ECtHR Mann Sing...
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Visueel
- • 1 pagina's •
Concerning the book International Law of Anders Henriksen for courses on public international law, including topics such as:

International Court of Justice (including relevant cases) / Legal sources of international law / United Nations / Critical approaches to international law / Legal realism / International Human Rights Law / The Right to Self-Determination / The Montevideo Treaty / The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT)

Case law includes:

ECtHR Handyside v. UK
ECtHR Mann Sing...
Seerden - Comparative Administrative Law - Summary of UK, FR, DE and NL
The largest portion of the book by René Seerden (ISBN: 9781780686301) on Comparative Administrative Law (4th ed, 2018) is summarised in this summary, including the systems of England, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

The summary is organised as the UvA PPLE course on Comparative Administrative Law (3803ADQPVY) is, with a division of topics as:
- Separation of Powers 
- Division between Public Law and Private Law (e.g. two-track doctrine)
- Introduction to Administrative Law (e.g. concepts ...
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 41 pagina's •
The largest portion of the book by René Seerden (ISBN: 9781780686301) on Comparative Administrative Law (4th ed, 2018) is summarised in this summary, including the systems of England, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

The summary is organised as the UvA PPLE course on Comparative Administrative Law (3803ADQPVY) is, with a division of topics as:
- Separation of Powers 
- Division between Public Law and Private Law (e.g. two-track doctrine)
- Introduction to Administrative Law (e.g. concepts ...
Van Dam - European Tort Law - Outline of the Book
A neatly designed outline of the book 'European Tort Law' by Cees van Dam (ISBN 9780199672271), concerning the relevant aspects of tort law in England, Germany, France and the European Union, covering also judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) concerning the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and judgments of the European Court of Justice (ECJ, CJEU). 

All relevant aspects of the book are covered.

The topics covered in this outline:

- What is tort law?
- what is co...
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 36 pagina's •
A neatly designed outline of the book 'European Tort Law' by Cees van Dam (ISBN 9780199672271), concerning the relevant aspects of tort law in England, Germany, France and the European Union, covering also judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) concerning the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and judgments of the European Court of Justice (ECJ, CJEU). 

All relevant aspects of the book are covered.

The topics covered in this outline:

- What is tort law?
- what is co...
Economics of Organizations and Markets - Sander Onderstal - Complete Summary
This summary gives a complete overview of the book "Economics of Organizations and Markets" by professor A.M. (Sander) Onderstal, all chapters 1-18, with mathematical explanations, logical understandings, theory explanations and derivations that Onderstal usually skips in his book or lecture slides. Including the themes:

- Organisations and efficiency: Industrial organisation; Competition policy
- Strategic interaction: Game theory; Team incentives; Hotelling game; Oligopoly; Bertrand; Cournot
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 82 pagina's •
This summary gives a complete overview of the book "Economics of Organizations and Markets" by professor A.M. (Sander) Onderstal, all chapters 1-18, with mathematical explanations, logical understandings, theory explanations and derivations that Onderstal usually skips in his book or lecture slides. Including the themes:

- Organisations and efficiency: Industrial organisation; Competition policy
- Strategic interaction: Game theory; Team incentives; Hotelling game; Oligopoly; Bertrand; Cournot
Comparative Constitutional Law (Constitutions Compared by Heringa & Kiiver all lectures by Carla Zoethout IRAC of cases)
This is a threefold summary of the course Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Amsterdam (3802COQPVY). It consists of three parts:

a) ANSWERS TO TUTORIAL QUESTIONS that guide you through the entire 7-week material, including material from Heringa & Kiiver's "Constitutions Compared" (3rd ed. but compatible with 4th ed.), comparing Germany, France, United Kingdom, United States, the Netherlands, European Union (ECHR and ECtHR) material from texts of Ran Hirschl, Karl Loewenste...
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 43 pagina's •
This is a threefold summary of the course Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Amsterdam (3802COQPVY). It consists of three parts:

a) ANSWERS TO TUTORIAL QUESTIONS that guide you through the entire 7-week material, including material from Heringa & Kiiver's "Constitutions Compared" (3rd ed. but compatible with 4th ed.), comparing Germany, France, United Kingdom, United States, the Netherlands, European Union (ECHR and ECtHR) material from texts of Ran Hirschl, Karl Loewenste...
vwo Latijn HULP MET VERTALEN klas 1-6: stappenplan structuuranalyse
Voor zowel reguliere vertalingen, als eindexamen, als schoolexamen Latijn vwo voor klas 1 - 6: een handleiding hoe je een structuuranalyse kunt maken om je te helpen met vertalen. Hierin behandel ik hoe je persoonsvorm (ook infinitivi, participa en gerundiva) herkent, voegwoorden herkent, naamvallen herkent, en uiteindelijk gaat vertalen.
- Handleiding
- • 1 pagina's •
Voor zowel reguliere vertalingen, als eindexamen, als schoolexamen Latijn vwo voor klas 1 - 6: een handleiding hoe je een structuuranalyse kunt maken om je te helpen met vertalen. Hierin behandel ik hoe je persoonsvorm (ook infinitivi, participa en gerundiva) herkent, voegwoorden herkent, naamvallen herkent, en uiteindelijk gaat vertalen.
Statistics for Experimental Research - Theoretical Summary & SPSS Instructions - Andy Field Ch. 1-5; 7-9; 11; 13-15
This is a summary of the material for the introductory course 'Statistics for Experimental Research', including [in part 1 of this summary] thorough theoretical background and summaries (with, when necessary, formulas and definitions) and a refreshener on basics of doing research; and also [in part 2 of this summary] step-by-step, detailed but concise instructions on how to run different analyses in SPSS. 

Make sure to pass your introductory Statistics course with this summary! 

Analyses cover...
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 12 pagina's •
This is a summary of the material for the introductory course 'Statistics for Experimental Research', including [in part 1 of this summary] thorough theoretical background and summaries (with, when necessary, formulas and definitions) and a refreshener on basics of doing research; and also [in part 2 of this summary] step-by-step, detailed but concise instructions on how to run different analyses in SPSS. 

Make sure to pass your introductory Statistics course with this summary! 

Analyses cover...
'Economics' by Mankiw & Taylor - Summary (Questions for Review answered) - Ch. 3-14; 20-24; 30-33
Summary of the book 'Economics' (3rd edition) by N. Gregory Mankiw & Mark P. Taylor - for chapters 3 to 14, 20 to 24 and 30 to 33. 

I've answered the Questions of Review after each of these chapters with relevant definitions, graphs and explanations. Covering topics as: price elasticity, theory of consumer choice, perfect competition, taxation and deadweight loss, behavioural economics, market failure, monopoly, GDP, productivity, unemployment, savings, financial system, business cycles, Keyne...
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 46 pagina's •
Summary of the book 'Economics' (3rd edition) by N. Gregory Mankiw & Mark P. Taylor - for chapters 3 to 14, 20 to 24 and 30 to 33. 

I've answered the Questions of Review after each of these chapters with relevant definitions, graphs and explanations. Covering topics as: price elasticity, theory of consumer choice, perfect competition, taxation and deadweight loss, behavioural economics, market failure, monopoly, GDP, productivity, unemployment, savings, financial system, business cycles, Keyne...
Philosophy of the Social Sciences - Chung Lin Kwa - Lectures 1-12 Detailed Notes
For the PPLE Year 1 Course 'Philosophy of the Social Sciences' (Semester 2 Block 4), the notes of Chung Lin Kwa's lectures 1 to 12 (the most important lectures) covering the readings and context necessary to pass the final exam.

Including the styles of science (classical-deductive style, hypothetical-analogical style, experimental style, statistical style, taxonomical style, historical-evolutionary style) and a discussion of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Hacking, Popper, Ga...
- Voordeelbundel
- College aantekeningen
- • 34 pagina's •
For the PPLE Year 1 Course 'Philosophy of the Social Sciences' (Semester 2 Block 4), the notes of Chung Lin Kwa's lectures 1 to 12 (the most important lectures) covering the readings and context necessary to pass the final exam.

Including the styles of science (classical-deductive style, hypothetical-analogical style, experimental style, statistical style, taxonomical style, historical-evolutionary style) and a discussion of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Hacking, Popper, Ga...
vwo geschiedenis EINDEXAMEN Tijdlijn historische contexten
Tijdlijn voor het eindexamen havo/vwo geschiedenis met jaartallen, gebeurtenissen, belangrijke personen en belangrijke gebeurtenissen. 

Behandelde historische contexten zijn:
* De Koude Oorlog
* Duitsland voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog
* Verlichting
* De Republiek 

Gebaseerd op het boek MEMO maar voor alle eindexamenkandidaten bruikbaar.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 6 pagina's •
Tijdlijn voor het eindexamen havo/vwo geschiedenis met jaartallen, gebeurtenissen, belangrijke personen en belangrijke gebeurtenissen. 

Behandelde historische contexten zijn:
* De Koude Oorlog
* Duitsland voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog
* Verlichting
* De Republiek 

Gebaseerd op het boek MEMO maar voor alle eindexamenkandidaten bruikbaar.
VWO Latijn Eindexamen 2016 pensum Vergilius Aeneis samengevat & stijlfiguren t/m H5.1
MEGASCHEMA | Schema SBR 5 Aansprakelijkheidsrecht: boek 6 Burgerlijk Wetboek en alle jurisprudentie samengevat
Ik kan niet oordelen over de inhoud. Ik heb 2 weken geleden via privé bericht gevraagd of ik een leesbare versie kon ontvangen, maar ik heb nog geen reactie mogen. Hopelijk lukt het via deze weg.
VWO Engels samenvatting Macbeth & geschiedenis Shakespeare
VWO geschiedenis samenvatting 'Feniks' Alle tijdvakken in overzicht & BONUS: 'Memo' Historische Context Koude Oorlog
MEGASCHEMA | Bestuursprocesrecht: Schematische samenvatting Bestuursrecht 2 (Marseille/Tolsma), inclusief wetsartikelen Awb en jurisprudentie