Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE) • Lerarenopleiding secundair Onderwijs
Latest uploads for Lerarenopleiding secundair Onderwijs at Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE). Looking for Lerarenopleiding secundair Onderwijs notes at Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Lerarenopleiding secundair Onderwijs at Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE).
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Courses Lerarenopleiding secundair Onderwijs at Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE)
Notes available for the following courses of Lerarenopleiding secundair Onderwijs at Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE)
Agogiek 1
Agogiek 2 1
Algemene Didactiek 1
Algemene didactiek 1 3
Algemene didactiek 2 3
Algemene Didactiek 3 1
Biologie 4
Communivatieve Vorming: Taal 3 1
Didactiek en praktijk 1 1
Economie vakstudie 5 1
Engels 2
Frans Vakstudie 4 1
Fysica 1
Geschiedenis 4
Geschiedenis Vakstudie 1 4
Geschiedenis Vakstudie 2 1
Gezondheid en welzijn 15
Jongeren en Maatschappij 3
Jongeren en welzijn 2
Katholieke Godsdienst 4
Leer-Kracht 1
Leer-kracht 1 1
Leerkracht 1 1
Leraar en samenleving 1
Muzikale Opvoeding 1
Natuurwetenschappen 2
Nederlands vakstudie 5 1
Nederlands: Literatuur 1
Onderwijs en Maatschappij 3
Planten 3
Praktijk Engels 5
Praktijk lichamelijke opvoeding 3
Project Biologie 1 1
Project economie 1
Pw6: activerende werkvormen 1
Religie, zingeving en levensbeschouwing 3
Religie, Zinsgeving En Levensbeschouwing 2 1
RZ 3 2
RZL 2 1
RZL 3 2
Uitdagingen In Het Onderwijs 1
Vakstudie Engels VS2EN 3
Vakstudie Engels 4 ENVS4 4
Vakstudie informatica 1 1
Vakstudie lichamelijke opvoeding: bewegingswetenschappen 1 2
Vakstudie LO: redden 1
Vakstudie Nederlands 3 1
Latest notes & summaries Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE) • Lerarenopleiding secundair Onderwijs

Dit is een voorbeeld van een eindwerk voor de les Algemeen didactiek 3.
- Essay
- • 4 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Algemene Didactiek 3
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Dit is een voorbeeld van een eindwerk voor de les Algemeen didactiek 3.

Samenvatting Vakstudie Engels 4 (ENVS4): ENGLISH LITERATURE Dit document bevat: ENGLISH LITERATURE - info van PPT - info lessen - extra links - overzichtelijke weergave van alle leerstof
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 28 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Vakstudie Engels 4
Samenvatting Vakstudie Engels 4 (ENVS4)• Byasyaavci
Preview 3 out of 28 pages
Samenvatting Vakstudie Engels 4 (ENVS4): ENGLISH LITERATURE Dit document bevat: ENGLISH LITERATURE - info van PPT - info lessen - extra links - overzichtelijke weergave van alle leerstof

Samenvatting Vakstudie Engels 4 (ENVS4): ABOUT LANGUAGE Dit document bevat:ABOUT LANGUAGE - info van PPT - info lessen - extra links - overzichtelijke weergave van alle leerstof
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 21 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Vakstudie Engels 4
Samenvatting Vakstudie Engels 4 (ENVS4)• Byasyaavci
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
Samenvatting Vakstudie Engels 4 (ENVS4): ABOUT LANGUAGE Dit document bevat:ABOUT LANGUAGE - info van PPT - info lessen - extra links - overzichtelijke weergave van alle leerstof

This summary contains: The Gunpowder Plot The Battle of Hastings American History --> all the extra information in the PPTs, course notes and those on Canvas are also included. The self-study chapters that I added in this summary: Britain, chapter 2 American Ways, chapters 3 and 4 Good luck!
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Vakstudie Engels
American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture • Maryanne Datesman, Joann Crandall• ISBN 9780133047028
Examen vakstudie 2 Engels• Byasyaavci
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
This summary contains: The Gunpowder Plot The Battle of Hastings American History --> all the extra information in the PPTs, course notes and those on Canvas are also included. The self-study chapters that I added in this summary: Britain, chapter 2 American Ways, chapters 3 and 4 Good luck!

The summary contains all the grammar that you need to study for your exam. In this summary I included: - PHONETICS -> the phonetic alphabet -> word stress tips (that really work) -> the phonetic transcription of vocabulary from 'gunpowder plot' - SPELLING -> difficult words -> noun to adjective -> adjective to adverb - GRAMMAR -> tag questions (form, use, function, intonation and how to answer a tag question) -> ing-forms (gerund) and infiniti...
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 19 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Vakstudie Engels
Longman Advanced Learners\\\' Grammar • Diane Hall, Mark Foley• ISBN 9780582403833
Examen vakstudie 2 Engels• Byasyaavci
Preview 2 out of 19 pages
The summary contains all the grammar that you need to study for your exam. In this summary I included: - PHONETICS -> the phonetic alphabet -> word stress tips (that really work) -> the phonetic transcription of vocabulary from 'gunpowder plot' - SPELLING -> difficult words -> noun to adjective -> adjective to adverb - GRAMMAR -> tag questions (form, use, function, intonation and how to answer a tag question) -> ing-forms (gerund) and infiniti...

This summary contains an overview of all the tenses that you need to study. First of all it has the present, past and future tenses (simple, continuous and perfect forms). It also includes; - 'used to' - 'be to infinitive' - 'be due infinitive' - 'be going to infinitive' Besides that, you can find all the necessary communicative functions of each verb. All of these functions are asked on the exams. I have also provided an example for each communicative function (of each tense). Good...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 3 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Vakstudie Engels
Examen vakstudie 2 Engels• Byasyaavci
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
This summary contains an overview of all the tenses that you need to study. First of all it has the present, past and future tenses (simple, continuous and perfect forms). It also includes; - 'used to' - 'be to infinitive' - 'be due infinitive' - 'be going to infinitive' Besides that, you can find all the necessary communicative functions of each verb. All of these functions are asked on the exams. I have also provided an example for each communicative function (of each tense). Good...

Summary of chapter 6: Political life Summary of chapter 14: Education Britain
- Book
- Summary
- • 9 pages's •
Britain • James O\'Driscoll• ISBN 9780194306447
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Summary of chapter 6: Political life Summary of chapter 14: Education Britain

Summary of chapter 7: government and politics in the United States.
- Summary
- • 4 pages's •
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Summary of chapter 7: government and politics in the United States.

Samenvatting van Vakstudie Engels 4. Alles wat je moet weten over Chomsky, Krashen, Prahbu, language acquisition, Michael Tomasello, the KE-family, FoxP2, the natural order, Ferdinand de Saussure, micro- and macro-linguistics ...
- Summary
- • 10 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Vakstudie Engels 4
Preview 1 out of 10 pages
Samenvatting van Vakstudie Engels 4. Alles wat je moet weten over Chomsky, Krashen, Prahbu, language acquisition, Michael Tomasello, the KE-family, FoxP2, the natural order, Ferdinand de Saussure, micro- and macro-linguistics ...

Samenvatting van 2VSENG4: literature. Alles wat je moet weten over Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Emily Brönte, Edgar Allen Poe, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen ...
- Summary
- • 15 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Vakstudie Engels 4
Preview 1 out of 15 pages
Samenvatting van 2VSENG4: literature. Alles wat je moet weten over Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Emily Brönte, Edgar Allen Poe, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen ...