Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN) • Master of business administration
Latest uploads for Master of business administration at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN). Looking for Master of business administration notes at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Master of business administration at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN).
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Courses Master of business administration at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN)
Notes available for the following courses of Master of business administration at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN)
Behaviour, Society and Economy HSA12A 1
Ethics, responsibility and sustainability Y55126 3
Internal and external financial reporting HSA14A 1
Leadership and behavioural decision making 1
Marketing HSA16A 1
Marketing Mix Management 2
Micro economics HSA20A 1
Multinationals and European Institutions HSA18A 1
Personnel and Organization HSA15A 1
SME's & entrepreneurship 1
SMEs and Entrepreneurship 1
Strategic Financial Decision Making B-KUL-Y00953 1
Strategic innovation management 1
Strategy and entrepreneurship HSA13A 1
Supply Chain Management 1
Latest notes & summaries Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN) • Master of business administration

This document encompasses the entire class of Behaviour, Society and Economy taught in the bridging program of the master of business administration of KU Leuven at the Brussels campus.
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- Summary
- • 33 pages's •
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven•Behaviour, Society and Economy
Survival Bundle: Bridging program / Master of business administration• By Gennaia
Preview 4 out of 33 pages
This document encompasses the entire class of Behaviour, Society and Economy taught in the bridging program of the master of business administration of KU Leuven at the Brussels campus.

This document encompasses the entire class of Strategy and Entrepreneurship taught in the bridging program of the master of business administration of KU Leuven at the Brussels campus.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 60 pages's •
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven•Strategy and entrepreneurship
Survival Bundle: Bridging program / Master of business administration• By Gennaia
Preview 4 out of 60 pages
This document encompasses the entire class of Strategy and Entrepreneurship taught in the bridging program of the master of business administration of KU Leuven at the Brussels campus.

This document encompasses the entire class of Multinationals and European Institutions taught in the bridging program of the master of business administration of KU Leuven at the Brussels campus.
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- Summary
- • 67 pages's •
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven•Multinationals and European Institutions
Survival Bundle: Bridging program / Master of business administration• By Gennaia
Preview 4 out of 67 pages
This document encompasses the entire class of Multinationals and European Institutions taught in the bridging program of the master of business administration of KU Leuven at the Brussels campus.

Grade: 17/20 
Summary Strategic Financial Decision Making MBA (Sekerci) Master of Business Administration
- Summary
- • 116 pages's •
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven•Strategic Financial Decision Making
Preview 4 out of 116 pages
Grade: 17/20 
Summary Strategic Financial Decision Making MBA (Sekerci) Master of Business Administration

Full Summary of Marketing Mix Management - Marketing Mix Effectiveness given by K. Cleeren. The summary contains all slides from the lectures + own notes.
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- Summary
- • 51 pages's •
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven•Marketing Mix Management
Volledige samenvatting Marketing Mix Management KULeuven MBA (2021-2022)• By yentevdb1
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Full Summary of Marketing Mix Management - Marketing Mix Effectiveness given by K. Cleeren. The summary contains all slides from the lectures + own notes.

Full Summary of Marketing Mix Management - Consumer Behaviour Towards The Marketing Mix by T. De Bock. The summary contains all slides from the lectures + own notes.
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- Summary
- • 72 pages's •
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven•Marketing Mix Management
Volledige samenvatting Marketing Mix Management KULeuven MBA (2021-2022)• By yentevdb1
Preview 4 out of 72 pages
Full Summary of Marketing Mix Management - Consumer Behaviour Towards The Marketing Mix by T. De Bock. The summary contains all slides from the lectures + own notes.

Full summary of all slides & notes given during the video-classes. Professor was Stefan Creemers. At the end of the document, blanco exercises are included so you can easily practice these for the exam. I had a 19/20 for this exam. So summary is very extensive and complete.
- Summary
- • 80 pages's •
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven•Supply Chain Management
Preview 4 out of 80 pages
Full summary of all slides & notes given during the video-classes. Professor was Stefan Creemers. At the end of the document, blanco exercises are included so you can easily practice these for the exam. I had a 19/20 for this exam. So summary is very extensive and complete.

In this document, I made a complete summary of all powerpoints + explanations given in the online classes/videos. I also included small summaries of all relevant Reality Checks in boxes. At the end of each chapter, you can also find summaries of the readings.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 92 pages's •
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven•Ethics, responsibility and sustainability
Bundle Summaries MBA - Global Logistics and Port Management• By hwstudent2
Preview 4 out of 92 pages
In this document, I made a complete summary of all powerpoints + explanations given in the online classes/videos. I also included small summaries of all relevant Reality Checks in boxes. At the end of each chapter, you can also find summaries of the readings.